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  1. 406RoadToad

    Outfitter Rant

    If you book a place with other hunters and are mad there are other hunters it’s on you. If you had been in an area with no animals would you have expected your guide to say no we can’t go after elk on a different area of the property you had paid to hunt?
  2. 406RoadToad

    onX wish list

    Oh my god dude I was only kidding!! I don’t think there is any amount of money in the world somebody could pay me to do that. If you care about that area please take it down before it ends up completely overrun!
  3. 406RoadToad

    onX wish list

    Post a screenshot real quick so I can see what your problem is…
  4. 406RoadToad

    Trail Access Restrictions - No UTVs = No Horses

    While we are at it, let’s ban “world class athletes” too… It’s not fair that they can go farther than I can.
  5. 406RoadToad

    Packgoats and Predators

    I was thinking of making a scare crow contraption with my hike in clothes but I like this idea way more!
  6. 406RoadToad

    Packgoats and Predators

    I definitely have thought of llamas but at the moment I’m still loving my goats. Hadn’t thought about the black eye to goat packers a loose goat would be though! Absolutely don’t want to contribute to the anti goat stuff. I’ve got 6 goats total and after 3 years I don’t think I’ll be able to...
  7. 406RoadToad

    Packgoats and Predators

    It’s my first year out with my goats. I love almost everything about them EXCEPT I’m finding my success in archery hunting with them seems to be below average. In my experience they were less than helpful and I preferred not having them on my hip while trying to call in elk. Everything I’ve...
  8. 406RoadToad

    Calling Bears in Montana

    Done it a couple times while watching bears eating grass and they glanced my direction when I got REAL obnoxious but went right back to eating grass and never came in. I think if you’re predator calling you’re much more likely to call in a griz than a black bear.
  9. 406RoadToad

    Punching a Tag or Adventure? What’s more Important?

    The prospect of punching my tag dictates where I go over a pretty view and good hike.
  10. 406RoadToad

    PRC custom vs factory rifles

    It seems like a lot of what makes PRC rifles special is the uniformity and tight tolerances of both the rifles and ammo. With that in mind, would the additional cost of a custom rifle be all that beneficial over a factory one? I’m specifically looking at the 7 PRC and if I went custom it...
  11. 406RoadToad

    Duplicate - disregard

    It seems like a lot of what makes PRC rifles special is the uniformity and tight tolerances of both the rifles and ammo. With that in mind, would the additional cost of a custom rifle be all that beneficial over a factory one? I’m specifically looking at the 7 PRC and if I went custom it...
  12. 406RoadToad

    What do you do for a living?

    Thats definitely on the cheap side for up here! Of course there’s a lot that goes into the rate like miles of dirt road vs paved and number of passes or towns etc. but I’d say I’m closer to $800 for 100 miles. My goal on work days is to gross 2k before I park the truck and that typically means...
  13. 406RoadToad

    What do you do for a living?

    Owner operator of a self loading log truck as of earlier this year. Being my own boss is great and can’t complain about the money either. Also have 10 seasonal Airbnb rentals in southwest MT which is a considerable amount of income with minimal work. (Mainly summer) Prior to the trucking I...
  14. 406RoadToad

    Did Mountain House Change Their Recipes?

    Peak meals are a big step up over Mountain Houses. Don’t know why but give them a try! 👍🏼
  15. 406RoadToad

    Bow troubles, really need some advice please.

    X6 it’s you over torquing your bow. Can cause both issues in extreme cases which this sounds like an extreme case…
  16. 406RoadToad

    Sleeping pad inside sleeping bag?

    Figured my buddy sleepin next to me was in the same boat and it was just one of those nights where the temps REALLY dipped down. Wasn’t till the morning that I learned he was fine in his bag and I got to thinking about why I was the cold one.
  17. 406RoadToad

    Sleeping pad inside sleeping bag?

    Did it once in my zero degree bag… FROZE my ass off… ended up starting my hike 2 hours before sun up because I couldn’t stand it anymore and needed to warm up. I believe it got down to around 30 degrees that night. My bag fits me normally but when I slipped my small pad in it was slightly...
  18. 406RoadToad

    Hunting in Griz Country— handgun or bear spray?

    Unless you’re a member of our militaries special forces you’d best be reaching for the spray first. Most people GREATLY overestimate their ability with a pistol PLUS they fail to realize their “bear rounds” are simply pencil poking holes into the bear and hoping to hit the brain “size of your...
  19. 406RoadToad


    Thought: trip 1: drive there fly home. Trip 2: fly there drive home. Store meat from trip one and drive everything back after trip 2?
  20. 406RoadToad

    Shed Hunting: Where’s the beef and what’s the best way to manage it?

    Shed hunting restrictions seldom work as enforcement for it is simply too hard. Fish and game agencies just need to account for the added wildlife loss in their quota system. As long as populations can sustainably withstand the harvest (death by pressure) I see nothing wrong with shed hunting...