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  1. Taylord9

    Colorado draw results 2024

    Same. Point creep crazy I had 4 points odds were 100% with 3 for mine
  2. Taylord9

    Colorado draw results 2024

    Im changing banks for this reason only haha
  3. Taylord9

    Colorado draw results 2024

    Me too. My bank takes like 3 days to post charges on its app. So annoying haha
  4. Taylord9

    Colorado draw results 2024

    Maybe. The box hasn’t changed on the site yet and my bank doesn’t show pending charges.
  5. Taylord9

    Colorado draw results 2024

    My unit was 100% with 4 points I had 5. We will see if I get it nothing yet
  6. Taylord9

    CO Unit 3 Deer

    Going to scout unit 3 in July for 3 days if I draw. Does anyone have pics of bucks they killed?
  7. Taylord9

    Colorado draw results 2024

    Who’s keeping track of how many times they’ve checked their bank accounts today? I’ll start. 3,587 times haha
  8. Taylord9

    Colorado draw results 2024

    Some dude on hunt said deer Wednesday elk Thursday and antelope Friday. Idk if that’s real or if he’s blowing smoke
  9. Taylord9

    Colorado draw results 2024

    It hits your card if you draw automagically you don’t have to call and pay if your drawn?
  10. Taylord9

    WTS/WTT Maven B5 12x56

    900$ meow
  11. Taylord9

    WTS/WTT Maven B5 12x56

    Selling my Maven B5 12x56 1100 OBO I love them they are my only pair of binos and I want something more compact to carry on my chesty chest. I would love a pair SLC 10x42 and I would sweeten my end of the pot. Objectives do have hair line scratches idk what from they’ve lived in a binos harness...
  12. Taylord9

    Idaho spring bear for the first time.

    Did you kill any bears ?
  13. Taylord9

    WTB Swaro ATS 65 stay on case

    Sweet! Lmk price as well. Thank you!
  14. Taylord9

    WTB Swaro ATS 65 stay on case

    Scored an ATS 65 25-50 with some hush money from my wife’s boyfriend! That being said I’m kinda clumsy and want to protect this glass more than my own children. If anyone has one they want to sell or has any input on what to get please let me know. k bye Sliderz #PFA
  15. Taylord9

    Sold Marsupial Angled Spotting Scope Case

    I’ll buy it if you can’t find someone to trade
  16. Taylord9

    Sold Marsupial Angled Spotting Scope Case

    I’ll buy it if you can’t find someone to trade.
  17. Taylord9

    WTB Swarovski ATS 20-50x65

    Yes, that’s what bay I mean. I have t seen them, I’m bad at navigating
  18. Taylord9

    WTB Swarovski ATS 20-50x65

    in the market for a spotter. Got it narrowed down to this I think. Still might be ok with the 20-60 eye piece also. Let me know if anyone has one they are willing to part with!
  19. Taylord9

    Sold Swarovski 20-60x65

    Still available? What part of Idaho are you in ?
  20. Taylord9

    Kenetreks and wet feet

    Waxed em up with Obenauf’s wax. ( let me know if that’s ok) and hiked in the rain again today. 4 miles through the brush not as wet as th other day but the treated boots and better gaiters did the trick. Feet were bone dry everything else was soaked AF. Also, the new Blackovis merinos do in fact...