Search results

  1. G

    Handgun while archery hunting?

    We can't have a handgun while hunting in Alberta. I carry bear spray if I'm in bear country. There is a YouTube vid comparing how quick bear spray is to a handgun.
  2. G

    Do Big Box Trad Setups Work?

    My brother has a Amazon/China recurve and like it I’ll stick w my old Bear B mag Riser and limbs
  3. G

    Bear Takedown Longbow Limbs

    I had a pair of custom built ones for a season. Bowyer recommended a very low brace height I didn’t like. Also since I sneak around at times a longbow is no use for moving sticks and obstacles out of a path. Just my 2 cents
  4. G

    Trad kill thread 2024

    Too funny! Good for you. Congrats on a nice one!
  5. G

    If you were forced to hunt with one AMO length...

    I've shot 60" for years. A few custom bows in there but mostly Bear TD's since they came out. I shot A risers w #3 limbs back when my draw was 29". Since shrinking in my old age and a lot of shoulder issues and surgery, I'm at 26" draw now and prefer more mass in a riser. Currently w a B riser...
  6. G

    Mechanical Broadheads

    Look up "Michael Waddell, Arrow bounces off deer" on YouTube and see a good reason why I've never had a broadheads failure w COC heads. Placement sure. Compounds, yup. In the early 70's when M/A bows were all the rage I blew three up in two years. Been Trad ever since
  7. G

    Best broadhead for blood trails

    That IS a bit weird to me GNDT with virtually identical shots. I have found over the last five years or so since I've learned how to get BH's scalpel sharp that I see critters die in sight. Also I don't aim to hit the heart. Just above, where more vessels are.
  8. G

    Trad kill thread 2024

    Well done and nice hero pix too
  9. G

    Trad kill thread 2024

    Spot and Stalk on this Buck yesterday early afternoon. 42# Bear TD Zwickey Delta. 15yd shot.
  10. G

    Trad kill thread 2024

    Congrats! Some of the best venison there is!!
  11. G

    Broadhead Practice Time

    Me too. Just a few adjustments, then sharpening touch ups.
  12. G

    How Many Arrows Can You Shoot

    I'm only good for about a dozen in a backyard session because of nerve damage. My accuracy drops off fast after that. I do shoot 3-4 times a day almost every day
  13. G

    Anybody ever hunt with a slow arse bow?

    I don't worry about speed at all. I can't even remember the last time I chronoed anything. I am point on at 20 yds but 95% of my kills are inside of 15 yds. Quiet kills.
  14. G

    Which traditional arrows?

    I hunt with old Patriot Carbons. I shoot does with some old 2016 XX75 I found in my mess a few years back.
  15. G

    3 blade broadhead recommendations

    I used to use original Snuffers when I shot 65-75# Recurves. I've used Woodsman for a while too but found the blades would bend on hitting a rib. Only shooting low 40# these days and need the penetration a two blade provides. They work fine and leave a good blood trail for me. Majority of my...
  16. G

    Everyone’s 2024 season plans

    General Whitetail, Mule Deer OTC tags. Have a draw in for Antelope w 14 pts. Going with bud that has never hunted them. He is at 11 so borderline whether we will get combined as the lower points rule as a group. Hunter hosting a buddy from Ohio for Moose for a week. Lots of doe busting. Mostly a...
  17. G

    Is traditional archery hunting unethical?

    Last years Bull. 43# Bear TD. Down in 40yds
  18. G

    Trad hunting story

    That's awesome! I know of five killed w Trad gear in Alberta. Three over bear bait, one from a deer stand, and another called in. On my bucket list.
  19. G

    Rattle Can Bow ideas

    Looks good J
  20. G

    How many strings do you go through each year?

    I can't shoot very much in a day because of nerve damage and getting twitchy. If I keep them waxed, now probably two years.