How Many Arrows Can You Shoot


Nov 3, 2013
How many good controlled arrows in one session (say 30sec or so between each arrow) with your hunting weight bow? For me and my longbows 47-54 lbs it’s about 30 to 40 before I need a break.

Ironically it’s about the same with my lighter weight (43-45) lbs bows. More mental I think.
Funny you mention this.

I have not been shooting as much as normal- I've got an issue with arthritis and my middle finger nuckle swells up so I'm trying to take it easy.

Thus, I am overbowed with my 55# setup. I can shoot about 25-30 shots...maybe more on slow shooting.

Its getting late in the game as hunt season is less than 2 mo away...but I think I need to setup a 45# bow again.
Depends where i am in my cycle.
By hunting season, 40-60 good arrows in a session.
Winter i drop to a lighter bow, and it may be 60-80 per session. Late winter/early spring i am moving to a bow weight higher than the weight of bow i will hunt with during spring bear season.
During that part of the training cycle i may be as low as 6-8 arrows a session. This will progress to 30-40 arrows and i then step down to my practising with my hunting weight bow.
During the summer its maintenance and then back up to 40-60 per session with whatever i plan on using during the fall.
There may be days when time is scarce and i have to break things out to three briefer sessions a day (one blind bale/two 20 arrow rounds).
Form and a controlled shot is everything.
Today I went out with my heaviest longbow that I currently shoot, 54 lbs at my draw. I shot 55 arrows in about 45 minutes. There is definitely a correlation with mental strength and physical strength. I shot well with most shots today and the few uncontrolled shots I contribute to mental and not physical. The higher weight does require me to concentrate more from a bow that is 5lbs less.
I am usually in the 2-3 dozen range per session. In that though there will almost without exception be two or three shots where I lose my mental focus and throw the shot. Occasionally I will shoot up to 60 shots in a session but I try to slow the pace otherwise I will fall in the trap of just sending arrows to hit a rep count which does no good at all imo.
pace otherwise I will fall in the trap of just sending arrows to hit a rep count which does no good at all imo.
Agree 100%.
Unless we go to war with deer and elk and they start shooting back I've never seen a reason for marathon practice sessions.
(Sometimes I do fall into the "last arrow has to be in the 10 ring" trap so I try to finish on a 5 yard blank bale shot or two.)

Edit to answer the original question:
20-30 shots
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Yep, it’s definitely not a numbers game but quality, purposed control shots. I like to think of it as a strength and mental assessment. A conditioning to make those one or two (hunting) shots count whether sitting in a cold tree stand for hours or a long hike/stalk.
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I pull one of my bows at right around 58#, the other at 50-ish

I've yet to feel fatigued with the lighter one, even after 50+ arrows in quicker succession than 30 sec between shots. The heavier one usually causes the wheels to fall off after about 2 dozen
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I'm behind the ball this year due to some health issues but have been shooting my hunting weight bows (68lb at my draw) for 36 shots in range sessions. Last night I added another 20 about an hour later chasing the tennis ball around the yard with my son. It's more mental now than physical.
I'll be ready for elk in Sept. tho the rest of me may not be.

Edited: went to ETAR on Friday. Shot 3 courses and about a doz arrows at the 100+ yd sasquatch. Really fell apart about half way thru last course. I'd guess it was well over 100 shots. Mostly mental as pulling and holding weren't really an issue.
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How many good controlled arrows in one session (say 30sec or so between each arrow) with your hunting weight bow? For me and my longbows 47-54 lbs it’s about 30 to 40 before I need a break.

Ironically it’s about the same with my lighter weight (43-45) lbs bows. More mental I think.
My trad bows are from 55 through 62 pounds. I can shoot the heaviest about 30 times pretty quickly. In the time it takes to position to a new spot. My 55 pounder takes about 10. It is indeed all mental for me.
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The standard can vary. I personally prefer 6 each round, but competitions are usually 3 or 5. A worcester round. 12 ends of 5 arrows.
I shoot 3 arrow rounds. I shoot 10 rounds and get a short break each time as I walk the 20 yards to retrieve the arrows. I work on my shot process. When time allows I do this twice ( morning and evening).

In the past when working on something specific with my form I’ll shoot 1 arrow, retrieve and mentally reset and repeat. Quality over quantity
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