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  1. jutteal

    CO First timer GMU 62

    Different angle, we are heading to 62 thanks for all the input. My final question is... is there a good watering hole (bar). If we don't see elk we gotta have fun right!?
  2. jutteal

    CO First timer GMU 62

    appreciate everyone's feedback and will definitely be implementing it. At the end of the day being out in the mountains beats any day at the office!
  3. jutteal

    CO First timer GMU 62

    WTFJohn, apologies. Brand new to the forums my strategy was to get questions out in front of as many people as possible. Never was my intention to get secret spots. Like I mentioned just wanted to get out in hopes of seeing just a few cows and being out in the mountains.
  4. jutteal

    CO unit 62 1st season advice

    gapmaster, your not being an ass. I appreciate your insight as to how to approach forums. I have never hunted outside of Indiana/Ohio so completely new to the concept of asking strangers for advice. Again appreciate the insight
  5. jutteal

    CO First timer GMU 62

    Some areas we are discussing and would be curious on peoples feedback are. Love Mesa, Long Point, Kelso Mesa, Moore Mesa, and Dry creek basin. I know those are popular areas, just curious if anyone has any opinions on them
  6. jutteal

    2nd Rifle Season tips in 62?

    shedfinder7 any advice on locations to get away from the hunters, or is it inevitable that they will be everywhere?
  7. jutteal

    CO unit 62 1st season advice

    I know this is an older string, curious if anyone in here ended up having luck in 62
  8. jutteal

    First Elk Hunt - general questions about CO GMU 62

    Cody, I am unable to send DMs yet, but once I am I will connect and let you know what I find.
  9. jutteal

    CO First timer GMU 62

    Hey All, A friend and I are heading out to 62 this year for 3rd rifle. We aren't kidding ourselves that we are going to be taking home a trophy bull the first time out and that isn't the goal. We are just hoping to learn and start developing strategies for the years coming. I have done a lot...
  10. jutteal

    First Elk Hunt - general questions about CO GMU 62

    TauPhi111, fellow Ohioan here, was curious how your hunt went? A buddy and I are heading out to CO for the first time and leaning towards this unit. Would love to connect and bounce some ideas off of you.