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    Swarovski Binos - Recommendation for WhiteTail Saddle Hunting

    I'm in the market for a pair of high end Swarovski binos. The application will be primarily for hunting whitetail here in Ohio from a saddle. I'm looking for the very best optics that are also compact and lightweight. I would also like a recommendation on a bino harness to pair with the binos. I...
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    Kifaru Stryker Video

    If you put that setup together connected on the Stryker bag I'd love to see a few pictures of how it look and the best way to connect both bags.
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    Cold weather boot advice

    Has anyone used Wiggy's Mukluks before and can tell me how they perform? Im interested in packing in a pair in my pack for use in the treestand when temperature are below freezing for all day sits.
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    Kifaru Stryker Video

    Thanks for the video! If I went with the same Stryker setup and a G2 Claymore, would a Sherman pocket fit below? And if so could I clip the bottom G2 Claymore to the Sherman pocket?
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    Kifaru Stryker

    The MR say 330D Lite Plus and I can tell you when you get into the pack is sounds just like when you reach your hand in a bag of Doritos. Im hoping the Kifaru is made out of a quieter Cordura.
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    Kifaru Stryker

    Do you know if the Cordura on the Kifaru is quieter than the Cordura on say a Mystery Ranch pack. I had a MR TerraFrame 50 pack and it was super loud especially in cold weather and the frame was really bulky up in the tree and I hoping that the Kifaru Stryker is quieter and that Stryker with the...
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    Kifaru Stryker

    Couple of questions about the Stryker. I have been researching all the different packs trying to come up with a system that will optimize my saddle hunting setup. I have the Predator platform and 4 Shikar 17" climbing sticks (folded up overall size 26"). I mostly plan on packing just one...