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  1. Laramie

    Corner Crossing 2024?

    All of you guys asking questions without any western experience.... seriously you shouldn't do it. The conversation with LE won't go well.
  2. Laramie

    Corner Crossing 2024?

    You guys stressing the little details should avoid it. Scary stuff, I get it. As to the answers to the previous questions, I'll let you guys figure it out or not. Good luck fellas.
  3. Laramie

    Corner Crossing 2024?

    Sure it is. It is the number 1 tool used by WG&F and Sheriff's to determine private land boundaries. If there isn't a survey stake, and you can show your path stayed on public according to the app, you are good. Again, you are innocent until proven guilty. How would anyone prove you...
  4. Laramie

    Corner Crossing 2024?

    I have and will continue to corner cross. But I make damn sure I'm doing it correctly. Not many CAs out there with the stomach to pursue the issue right now and WG&F won't touch it.
  5. Laramie

    Bahamas 2026 - recommendations

    Rent a VRBO in the Bahamas. You can be as close or as far away from things as you want. I personally like fishing in the keys better but Bahamas can be great too.
  6. Laramie

    2025 Wyoming Antelope hunt

    And it will take double the points to draw the same area next time you go.
  7. Laramie

    Trying Wyoming Antelope First Time

    Antelope are terrible to eat, they primarily live on private land, and if you aren't going guided it's not worth even trying. Those of you encouraging are just hurting your own draw odds. Demand has far exceeded supply guys so keep in mind your good deed of the day is just adding to the...
  8. Laramie

    Washing game meat

    I do not wash, I trim outer layers as necessary to get rid of anything unwanted. Soaking meat can water log it but a quick rinse probably doesn't hurt anything at the time of cooking.
  9. Laramie

    6.5CM and monos: Your experiences? Your favorites?

    If the sample size is large enough, you will find and hear plenty of pros and cons. Any bullet will kill if placed properly. They do what they are intended to do, hold together and penetrate. As a result, the wound channels are narrower than a bullet that expands more rapidly. Random...
  10. Laramie

    Tikka 6.5 PRC & bullet selection

    My PRC is 225 FPS faster with factory loads than my buddies CM. Factory data typically shows 200fps+ faster. Not a big deal inside of standard hunting ranges but it's a big deal at long range imo.
  11. Laramie

    Tikka 6.5 PRC & bullet selection

    We have tested several different bullets. All killed very well from antelope to elk. 142 accubond lr worked well on my son's bull. 143 and 147 Hornady both kill well worth great expansion and damage. Will be shootting the 156 next just for fun. You will love the caliber. Low recoil...
  12. Laramie

    Multi Pin Sight Setup for Elk

    315 fps with 435 grain arrow. I'm blessed with long draw length and shoot an aggressive bow. I never have to adjust gaps but I do practice a lot and I don't shoot at deer past 40 yards.
  13. Laramie

    Multi Pin Sight Setup for Elk

    I shoot with 3 set pins. My bow is very fast so my top pin zero is 30 yards. My next two are 45 and 60. I practice the in between yardage and out to 65. I typically won't shoot at an animal past 50 and 90% of my shots are with the top pin.
  14. Laramie

    Reliable & Affordable Scopes! Your go to is?

    Nebraska. About 6 months of the year I do... until the corn gets too tall.
  15. Laramie

    Reliable & Affordable Scopes! Your go to is?

    Glad to shoot against you any day with my 1000 dollar scope.
  16. Laramie

    Sold Vortex viper HD 10x42

    That's a fair price. I already own 2 of these or I would take them.
  17. Laramie

    Reliable & Affordable Scopes! Your go to is?

    Who said anything about 3-4k for a scope? If guys can't afford a decent scope, they should save until they can imo. 500-1000 will buy something reliable. Anyone can do some side jobs to afford that if they aren't lazy.
  18. Laramie

    Wyoming draw

    Of course there is but the quick fix isn't in our capabilities. Stop shooting does. Regardless of what tags are issued, if we stopped for one or two seasons, numbers would exponentially increase. Since that won't happen, I recommend patience because numbers will rebound. It will just...
  19. Laramie

    Wyoming draw

  20. Laramie

    To Non Residents Considering Wyoming Moose Preference Points

    My original post was old... it has gotten exponentially worse.