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  1. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    I didn’t tag out in 21 but was “on” a lot of nice mountain bucks throughout the season just didn’t come together for me. I’m pretty stocked for the fall though! I believe the deer I was after and saw dogging doe on Nov 10th is alive and even gnarlier this year! Hard horned pic is last year on...
  2. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    Here is one I recently had on my cam on a big chunk of public in northeast PA. He was across a small food plot so had to zoom in a bunch to see his frame so quality is poor but he looks to be a good one!
  3. Trunscav

    Saddle / Lock On pack?

  4. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    G Great buck man!
  5. Trunscav

    Ivory holster

    Highly recommend, got an emg holster to go on my mystery ranch beartooth and have running it since September with and without a gun in it.
  6. Trunscav


    I can’t speak from personal experience of use but it sounds like the Sitka fanatic backpack or the tool box might be something that would fit the bill for your uses. Designed for quietness and organized gear storage
  7. Trunscav

    Best state to kill a BIG whitetail - GO!

    PA, NY, MD
  8. Trunscav

    Sitka gear for white tail

    Stratus pant, heavy weight quarter zip, Celsius jacket (I prefer their older model), fanatic vest. That’s my combo here in PA once the leaves and temps drop while stand hunting.
  9. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    Here is my 2020 PA public land buck. Had pictures of this deer throughout the summer. Narrowed down a ridge I thought he was bedded on. Was able to kill him on my second time in the stand on October 8th at 12 yards. My arrow hit high due to the angle at that range and it buried down into him...
  10. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    The biggest buck I chased after over the years are in the lowest deer density areas. Check out that steep thick cover, they don’t get old and big by letting people see them in public.
  11. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    Ya man! I started doing that over the last year or two really looking into the background of the photo and seeing the type of habitat these bucks are getting killed it and usually it’s not over an open field or food plot 🤪
  12. Trunscav

    Any NC black bear hunters here?

    Lots of Bear in PA. Have killed multiple over the years. PA now offers archery, in-line muzzleloader, and rifle hunts for them. In total it’s over 30 days to hunt bears this fall. I think every spot I have cameras at for whitetail scouting has had bear activity on them this summer. No dogs...
  13. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    Here’s a few of the nicer bucks I have on cameras this summer. Nothing over bait, all public lands. There are some really nice and old bucks running around here in PA especially on the game lands that many people knock saying there are no deer left on them. It just takes putting in the leg work...
  14. Trunscav

    2020 Whitetail Trail Camera Pictures

    Some hit listers so far this summer on PA public lands.
  15. Trunscav

    Hunting Colorado unit 35, 36, & 361 in 2020

    I’ll be in 36 in September
  16. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    Great bucks! like your style with the pack outs.
  17. Trunscav

    Pennsylvania public land bucks

    Just wanted to start a threat showcasing all the great public land bucks taken here in the Keystone state. I have yet to take a respectable buck on game lands here in PA but get great pictures of big buck each summer and fall. Hopefully this year I will be able to seal the deal.
  18. Trunscav

    PA elk

    I’m a PA resident and would like to hunt elk someday in my home state and do apply every year for tags during rifle and now archery season. However, it leaves a distaste in my mouth when you watch videos and see posts on social media. Most of these elk are so patterned and somewhat “tamed” a lot...
  19. Trunscav

    Pics of heavy but narrow muleys...

    25 inch wide. Colorado
  20. Trunscav

    Sophomore class of Elk hunting

    Damn! I’m sure he was one happy hunter that day