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  1. K

    28 day wet aged venison

    After hearing some versions of aging in the refer, I put a vacuum packed venison steak in the fridge for exactly 28 days and it was…..ok. Best thing about it was that it wasn’t spoiled.
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    First ATV -- Essential Gear?

    Agree with the warnings about how dangerous these things are. Spend an hour or so on on YouTube watching “ATV failures” and you’ll be much wiser.
  3. K

    Scam alert and good deal-Nosler

    There's a similar "sale" on Benchmade knives that's a scam.
  4. K

    Seekins 6.5 prc problems

    Seems like they handled it better than Fierce.
  5. K

    WTS Tikka 6.5 prc Benchmark Barrel

    I have the same barrel on my Tikka T3 and it is easily the most accurate gun I have.
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    Osso Bucco

    I used a fine blade but couldn’t rinse all the shards. Maybe I’ll try again. How to you stabilize the bone to cut it?
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    Osso Bucco

    I would like to make it with the bone intact, but I can’t seem to get all the bone shards off using a reciprocal saw. I now filet the shanks and slice them and it’s fine, maybe not as good as with the bone, but you only have to bite into a couple of bone shards to know that a reciprocal is not...
  8. K

    And yet again, another grizzly shot while charging hunter in Idaho

    Good policy for humans too.
  9. K

    ZEISS Victory Harpia-Thoughts

    This guy gives unbiased reviews.
  10. K

    Sold Tikka barrel

    Stainless 300 WM, not fluted. I live in Oregon and you can have it for a 6 pack of beer. (not PBR)
  11. K

    Do you have experience with a sled for hauling out game?

    Here's one quartered bull on a sled. I don't recommend for long hauls, but I think half of it at a time would be doable.
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    Do you have experience with a sled for hauling out game?

    I've used sleds and they help a lot but those roll up plastic ones are garbage unless you happen to shoot your elk on a football field. The first little hump will roll the sled and you'll have to right it, then tie the elk back on. My grandson and I pulled out a quartered big bull on a heavy...
  13. K

    Do you feel the edge?

    I felt it so I fabricated a tin foil hat and it's all better now.
  14. K

    Taking SS early (62)

    I took it at 70, but there are many calculators on Fidelity and other investments sites to help you optimize the benefit. It's always a gamble, but it's better to see the numbers crunched than just get a bunch of opinions on a forum. My calculation from Fidelity gave several scenarios and what...
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    Electrical Tape on muzzle

    The problem with that is that if you got rain or debris in the barrel you would never know that it caused you to miss. Since the tape is completely harmless I don't see a downside.
  16. K

    How is fierce doing?

    Don't get too excited about the guarantee. Here's the fine print (the bold italics are mine); PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Before sending your rifle in for an accuracy warranty claim, ensure that you have addressed all possible issues that may be contributing to your inability to achieve the...
  17. K

    Upgrading from Vortex to Swaro - Why?

    If you weren’t successful at finding elk in the first place, does purchasing a Tier 1 Bino make sense? I have 10x42 NLs and other alpha glass because I love binoculars but don’t expect the magic that some people suggest. You’ll see things a little better and enjoy the search a lot more but elk...
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    When you finally have it done you’ll wonder why you waited.
  19. K

    My girlfriend got bit by a raccoon this evening…

    When I’ve caught a raccoon/skunk/opossum in a live trap I put the trap in a large garbage bag and fill it with exhaust from the lawnmower. A few minutes does the trick and THEN I relocate it. Edit - with the skunk I put the trap in the bag with just the open door exposed before catching...
  20. K

    Audew jump starter reviews

    I’ve got one and jumped a couple of cars with it initially and it worked fine. Doesn’t seem to want to take a complete charge now so I can’t give it 5 stars. I think there are some better ones out there.