Search results

  1. T

    Favorite Knife Sharpeners for Field and Home

    I have the edge pro apex. The final product/edge is just as good from the apex as it is from the pro model so you can save money by getting the apex.
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    Wire saw

    Perfect- thanks for the ideas!
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    Wire saw
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    Wire saw

    Honestly, I'm not really sure what he was cutting--wood seems most logical--but it looks like it could be handy.
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    Wire saw

    Amazon says the nap is in stock but I also tried fo find it through KV and mist not be searching the right term- can't find. I would consider the leatherman but I could my ounces! Lol Not saying I shouldn't add one to my gear though.
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    Wire saw

    Love to read Patrick Smith's essays/articles and I just re-read his article discussing contents of his possibles pouch. One item was a wire saw- something I know nothing about. Are these still used or available today?
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    Favorite Knife Sharpeners for Field and Home

    Edge Pro Apex and the ceramic stick that comes with it for touch ups
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    Does anyone hike with their hunting packs?

    SG Mrux frame and Solo bag has a lot of hiking miles behind it. I don't have a pavck strictly for hiking. If I thru-hiked then that would be a different story.
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    Krux frame and Sherman pocket

    Has anyone tried to attach the Kifaru sherman pocket to the SG Krux frame?
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    Cordura duffle bags

    That's it- thank you sir!
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    let's discuss your folding knife. the one with you Right now :D

    Benchnade 940. Not on me NOW but it's my go-to daily carry.
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    Cordura duffle bags

    This may be in the wrong forum but I'm trying to find out the name of the company that makes cordura duffle bags just like the ones Kifaru sold for a awhile. It's not native textiles but it's a fairly small cottage company. Anyone know the name?
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    Help with SG pack fitment

    Did you get it dialed in yet? Just seeing this post.
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    Kifaru Urban Ruck up for sale

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    Kifaru Urban Ruck up for sale

    What are the physical dimensions of the bag?
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    Hauling climbing stands on SG packs

    I’ve tried hauking my summit viper but the platform is just so BIG that it’s not worth the hassle— straps here, straps there, straps everywhere!
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    Hauling climbing stands on SG packs

    Thanks for the pictures and suggestions! Very helpful. Now I just need to get the lone wolfz 🤓
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    Hauling climbing stands on SG packs

    Alright, thank you.
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    Hauling climbing stands on SG packs

    Think I could do the same w/ a lone wolf hang on too? Like the alpha 2 or assault?
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    Hauling climbing stands on SG packs

    Anyone have a good method for this?