Favorite Knife Sharpeners for Field and Home

I got a work sharp this year and love it. Used it for everything so far this year including Iron Will Broadheads, that Bark River pictured, axes, fillet knives, chef knives etc. I also have a 2k/5k wet stone for the broadheads to put that wicked edge on it.

I’m not a huge fan of carbide sharpeners, just personal preference. To prevent the whole cold, dark, numb, can’t feel your hands thing I just use a knife that stays sharp for a whole moose. Point of fact that Bark River field dressed two moose in a 24 hour period and it wasn’t sharpened in between. It wasn’t the sharpest knife in the world after that and took me about 10-15 minutes to get it to start grabbing hairs again with another 5 minutes to get shaving sharp. It’s really hard to beat A2 tool steel for a knife blade. Holds an edge, strong and not brittle at all.

Based on this sharpener, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy their carbide sharpener and will likely get one to take care of my Kukri.
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I own a machine shop and have basically every sharpener known....but honestly, since my wife bought me a set of Henkel knives, about 5 elk ago, I've never touched anything but the steel they came with to them.

I can cut an entire elk and never touch the knives edge.

In the field, I use the Camillus with the carbide and ceramic all in one. Really though, aside from bears and mistakes....a good knife will stay sharp.
I have the edge pro apex. The final product/edge is just as good from the apex as it is from the pro model so you can save money by getting the apex.
Home, work sharp with long belt horizontal attachment. Also water stones. These are for really dull or re profiling. Ha usually friends.
Home kitchen thin knives edge pro

minor home touch up is DLT four sided block strop with sand paper and black and white compound. Lansky medium speed stick too

field is my strop home made from paint stick 2 sided with whit and black compound and three cut wet sand paper in 400, 1000 and 1500. Also small spyderco 1x4” white or fine ceramic flat. System less then 2 oz.
Presto 08810 electric sharpener. The fine wheels gets my blades to hair shaving sharpness. I use it primarily for kitchen knives, but found it to work perfect for hunting knives too. Before this, I used a sharpmaker for 10+ years for all my knives.

In the field I keep an inexpensive hand sharpener that I keep in my bag. Never had to use it, but just incase.
Spyderco Sharpmaker for home. Field I favor the outdoor edge swingblaze and the EDC lite with an extra blade.
I've used several over the years. Some I have like better than others. Currently I use a "speedy Sharp". Its cheap light and easy to use in the field. The other option is to go with a knife that has surgical blades which I have also done before as well as I used a bench made knife that they sharpen for life. I send it in after every hunt and get it sharpened and returned in about 10-14 days.
Fallkniven DC4 stone for field use is a great choice. Have been using one for 6/7 years now and been happy enough with it I haven't even thought of switching it out since picking it up.
Not an ultralight item by any standard but the diamond side is course enough to work out any chips for a field-expedient re-profiling. Also works well on axes or hatchets as long as they aren't too dinged up which may require a file.

Found that the diamond is the only thing that really works well on the high RC tempered steels for me but you can still get back to a nice edge with the ceramic side.