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  1. BearBow77

    Arizona turkey unit 4a

    Hello all, Got drawn Spring turkey 2020 unit 4A/4B, but was going to hunt 4a mostly since Ive been in that area. My hunt is for most of the month of May ( 1-21st) . I had hoped for Early hunt late April but didnt get it. Ive hunted the area before, late this year ( 2019 ) for OTC bow spring...
  2. BearBow77

    Az Unit 4a/4b

    Last fall, I saw quite a bit of elk sign on the east side of Turkey Mountain. On the high roads. Many tracks leading down the side of the mountain between the saddles.
  3. BearBow77

    Az Unit 4a/4b

    Hello all, Got drawn Spring turkey 2020 unit 4A/4B, but was going to hunt 4a mostly since Ive been in that area. My hunt is for most of the month of May ( 1-21st) . I had hoped for Early hunt late April but didnt get it. Ive hunted the area before, late this year ( 2019 ) for OTC bow...
  4. BearBow77

    OTC Tags for Elk in Utah?

    Sorry, saw my comment and meant to put restrict the dates. Totally confused myself SMH.... The elk hunting dates are screwed up. Open in August and close right before the rut. Utah is interested in making money, not elk hunters success. Utah is known for tough hunting for elk. Me personally, I...
  5. BearBow77

    OTC Tags for Elk in Utah?

    If you're going to do a non-resident hunt. Utah isnt the place to do it. Unless things have changed, ( which 4 years ago that I was up there they hadnt) the OTC tags will be passed out much like the AZ system. You purchase the tag, but.......they restrict what units are available. Usually low...
  6. BearBow77

    Elk tactics question

    I'd recommend a spike camp as others have mentioned. Remember, no camp fire....just take water and packaged edibles. Rise and shine and hit the area in question early.
  7. BearBow77

    Veteran Broadheads

    Are you sure? Lemme post a pic to see if they look they same as you described. I was under the impression from what I could tell, though mechanically operated, there wasn't a collar like the ones we see on rage hypo?
  8. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation?

    Was being cordial. Sorry if that's to much a concept for you to grasp
  9. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation?

    pretty sure we're all done. Thank you though.
  10. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation?

    Another valid point. I guess I should have been more detailed. I thought I had stated earlier, that I was hunting at the time when I had the conversation with f&g. ( He was checking my papers) that's when I initiated the conversation about the draw system. I honestly don't have any further info...
  11. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation?

    Very good point. Unfortunately I was not given the documentation for my own keeping. It was more of a friendly conversation with the warden. Didn't think much of it at the time until later. But who knows?, Maybe these other commentors are right? Maybe the officer was wrong and fabricated the...
  12. BearBow77

    Veteran Broadheads

    Was curious if anyone has used the Veteran Broadhead? It's a mechanical broadhead but apparently has 1.25" cut folded. Expands to some 3" I believe? Anyone with knowledge on this particular product would be greatly appreciated!
  13. BearBow77

    Colorado Resident - First Elk Archery Hunt, limitless planning time

    The biggest piece of advice, try not to do what 90% of hunters do, and hunt the roads. Get back from the road roughly 1 mile at least. Then begin scouting\calling
  14. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation?

    Nope... Wants to brawl? Still nothing constructive to add I see? Smh
  15. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation?

    Still waiting for you too prove me wrong.
  16. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation?

    Actually, saw the list of donors (not including specific dollar amount) who were awarded said tags. Additionally, seen the break down of distributed tags to the most productive GMU. Apparently you failed math. If tags are distributed prior to any 501(3)c charities, and prior to bonus point...
  17. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation? want met to put the officer on blast? prove you wrong? You already did it yourself!
  18. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation?

    You want me to post the wardens name? Put him on blast? 😂😂 Clearly you failed reading comprehension. Fact is, you had nothing to bring to the table to contradict my statements. Typical of common trolls..... It's people like you that give hunting a bad name. Run along now along
  19. BearBow77

    Diaphragm Calls

    Keep in can use diaphragm calls that are turkey calls if you already have some that fit you. They are identical....the more reeds...the raspier and deeper sounding. Elk calls are turkey calls with a "elk" stamped on it.
  20. BearBow77

    Anyone regret their point situation? helps to understand debate. Which clearly you failed in school. I presented a legit conversation. I'm not the one questioning said proof. You are. It's up to you to debunk me. What, you think I'm gonna prove your argument for you? Special kind of stupid ain't ya? 😂😂😂