Search results

  1. Salmonchaser

    Walla Walla Archery Elk Oregon

    I’ve been run out of the high country a few times since I started hunting in there in 1967. This was the worst, people were getting stuck 1/2 mile from the end of the pavement. We were camped on top, made it out the night before the season opened. Easy for us, we live between Elgin and La...
  2. Salmonchaser

    Walla Walla Archery Elk Oregon

    Bears are doing well in there. I was going to shoot one that busted cover as my bull hit the deck but Catherine called me off. Said something like we wont be out of here until dark as it is and it’s not that big a bear.
  3. Salmonchaser

    Walla Walla Archery Elk Oregon

    Classic Walla Walla bulls. Seeing 8 or 9 good bulls is a pretty good hunt. They are there, bumped one oh sh** bull during the spike hunt, had to be pushing 400. Hope the adventure was worth the points for you.
  4. Salmonchaser

    My pointer is finally figuring it out.

    I really don’t care if it’s pen raised or wild birds, once it starts clicking and the light goes on its fantastick
  5. Salmonchaser

    Rough day

    Sad, sorry for your loss…
  6. Salmonchaser

    Tbt Elk hunting 1980 to 2022 North Idaho 43rd Elk Season Complete

    Out standing my young friend. Glad you’re still getting it done. I enjoyed the story, made me smile.
  7. Salmonchaser

    Oregon hunt.

    I know, I’m just hoping to get my tent up before it all starts. Unseasonably warm and dry then look out here comes the first pacific storm. Area I live in gets 12 inches of rain a year. Weather girl said to expect 1 inch of rain on Saturday, but it might be snow up on the mountain. Went up...
  8. Salmonchaser

    Fly Fishing Waders

    600 for both is a good deal.
  9. Salmonchaser

    Fly Fishing Waders

    The first year they came out I was skeptical. One of the other guides got a set and sent them back, later models have not been a problem. I’m older than dirt, got the enlarged prostrate and drink coffee likes it going out of style. I pea at least once an hour, probably more. 100 + days guiding...
  10. Salmonchaser

    Fly Fishing Waders

    Wore Simms for 20 years on the Peninsula, in and out of boats, wading every day, hiking the tundra, in and out of float planes, that kind of life. Just purchased my 4th pair; G4 with a zipper. Good lord that zipper is a good idea.
  11. Salmonchaser

    When do you switch from Spray to Gun ??

    During my lifetime I’ve been in four DLP shootings. Only one in the last 20 years guiding on the Alaska peninsula. We encountered bears every day. Always carried spray and a handgun or rifle. Over the course of the summer, once it became available, I’d spray several bears a year, always worked...
  12. Salmonchaser

    What Rifle support do you use for hunting in timber

    Handy tree or just my two arms in timber; Clear cuts, a stump can work very well. Sit behind it, rifle over the top.
  13. Salmonchaser

    Largest wood stoves too big for smallish canvas tent?

    The advantage of the larger cylinder stoves, you dont have to stuff it full and while I don’t under stand the physics involved it runs cooler than the same amount of wood in the smaller stove. I have two tents and two stoves, when I take the smaller tent, the 16 vs 20 I always take the larger...
  14. Salmonchaser

    3 for 3 in Oregon.

    Good looking deer, good looking country
  15. Salmonchaser

    Prescription Electronic Hearing Protection?

    Plus one on the esp. Send a copy of your hearing test and they are programmed to account for your hearing loss, if any. My hearing loss is rated at moderate to severe and these are fantastic. Keep in mind however they only offer about the same protection as soft plugs. No idea if insurance would...
  16. Salmonchaser

    Western Wa Public Land Rosie

    Dang that is a fine looking Rosie. Well done!
  17. Salmonchaser

    Wildfire Impact on Elk

    Awful lot of variables go into hunting the burn areas. My own experience has been with two fires, about 25 years ago. One in the Hells Canyon recreation area the other to the Northwest in the Chesnimus area. Both had lots of edges and un-burned areas with in the perimeter of the fire, both...
  18. Salmonchaser

    Another outfitter question.

    We always had 50% up when you made your reservation. Contract allowed for percentage return of the deposit depending on time frame if you cancelled your spot. Anything less than 3 months you lost your deposit. 6 months you lost half. Deposits were held in an escrow account to insure they were...
  19. Salmonchaser

    Kenetrek break in?

    Pretty well covered above. I’m kinda partial to them but spend quite a bit of time breaking them in. When I buy a new pair I plan on early September. Wear them every morning when I take the dogs out for their daily four miles. By October they are ready for hard use, but they are getting quite...