The proposed muzzleloader hunts would take place in mid October, in the proposal analysis they are predicting that harvest will drop, not increase.
However I disagree that all State game agencies are just in it for the money. I truly believe that there are a lot of good people in the game...
This is a quote from the proposal analysis on the IDFG website,
Many of the bucks that survive due to decreased hunter success would mature into older age classes over time resulting in increased buck-to-doe ratios and more mature bucks on the landscape.
So when I say herd quality I was...
I think you make a lot of great points! It really does depend on the unit/region. I think in some areas it could help things like age class of bucks and hunting pressure. But other general areas I think it would be limiting the already minimal amount of mule deer hunters that are hunting that...
I think we still need general rifle seasons, I love to hunt with my rifle but I do think in some units replacing the centerfire rifle with a muzzleloader is a good idea to keep the hunt general while reducing opportunity.
And that’s the way it goes in most states on most hunts, spikes and...
There may be some options for a muzzleloader that’s legal in every western state but I think you’ll be limiting your options if you tried to do that. I would recommend looking at the states that you want to muzzy hunt in, learn their muzzleloader laws and then go from there. I mainly hunt Utah...
Interesting correlation between what this could become and the watch front, I never even thought about that!
I agree that there are many different reasons as to why mule deer are declining in parts of the West. But every little bit we do helps them! Really good insight thank you for commenting!
Do you think it would help with hunter crowding in units where you could only hunt with an open sight muzzleloader or open sight rifle? But then potentially causing hunter crowding in other units from displaced hunters?
Just to clarify do you mean at least allow 1x scopes on muzzleloaders for youth hunters?
I am a huge fan of getting the youth involved so I think this could be a great idea!
I am speaking for myself and for other hunters I know personally and I would say no. People who take unethical shots do so regardless of weapon type so I don’t think switching weapon types or sights will cause an increase of hunters to take unethical shots.
With some state committees proposing open sight centerfire rifles, and then also banning scopes higher than 1x on muzzleloaders and then other state committees proposing to change general rifle season to a general muzzleloader season, stating that it will help the Buck quality and the herd...
Is your heart set on Colorado because there are other states that will offer the same opportunities and time frame with a bow with less pressure from hunters mainly rifle elk hunters. I suggest looking outside of Colorado.
I have shot deer with the TC MaxiBall which is a lead conical, they fly well out to about 125ish yards. I shot an Oregon buck a few years ago at 90 yards and was able to recover the bullet in the opposite shoulder. I now shoot the hornady boredriver ELDx in the states where it’s legal, I do...
I do not, I bought a small one off of amazon for like 30-40 bucks. I don’t think the weight difference of just a few ounces constitutes spending an excessive amount of money.
Also I would totally recommend a small foam pad to sit on, again I just bought one off of amazon.
That time of year in the high country I do pack a mid to lightweight puffy jacket because it can be cold in the mornings/evenings but also if you get a rainstorm pushing through it could cool down quickly. I don’t recommend puffy pants that time of year, they’ll just take up space.
One thing...