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  1. S

    Treestand Elk Hunting

    I really appreciate the good recommendations I have seen on this thread. That is all of the advertising I have for the book. I do want to clarify the quote above. I did not intend to suggest that hunting water holes is not very productive. I hunt water holes more than any other place. I just...
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    Best Pack

    I meant nothing negative by the clown comment, just as I did not think the banter above was offensive. I took it all in as kidding and intended the same. That said; if you ever want to boot me, please feel free.
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    Best Pack

    It would be better to ask these clowns; what are the attributes of a good pack besides being adjustable and expensive? I want one with a hard belt that will support much of the weight of the pack so it is not all on my shoulders. I am no authority on packs, but like my Kuiu. With it I can use...
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    Beginners Luck

    Congratulations to both of you. I enjoyed the story. Well done.
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    I think I would have preferred it before the highway opened, but I was transferred to Twisp with...

    I think I would have preferred it before the highway opened, but I was transferred to Twisp with the Forest Service. Those were good times. I did live a winter at Early Winters. That was quite an experience.
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    I lived (1979-1986) near Winthrop next to the Twin Lakes road. I found your post about the good...

    I lived (1979-1986) near Winthrop next to the Twin Lakes road. I found your post about the good old days interesting. It was crowded at times hunting in the Methow. I shot some deer there but no real big ones.
  7. S

    Did preference points ruin the west?

    Another disadvantage with the draw only units is that it forces more and more hunters onto the otc units. The people hunting otc believe there are more and more hunters when in fact the numbers are stable or going down. The hunters are then being forced into smaller areas and resulting shorter...
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    Did preference points ruin the west?

    I think point creep is unfair. When you start, it take 10 points to get a tag, but with point creep those coveted tags stay beyond reach. It is like chasing your tail, or like the greyhound chasing the rabbit. When you start the States show it takes 10 points to get drawn for a unit. When...
  9. S

    When were "the good old days"?

    Think about fond memories. I remember hunting with my dad and brother a lot. Dad has been gone for years, and my brother can't get out and hunt these days. They are missed. I remember when the regulations were simple and the equipment we used was also. I was in my teens, twenties and...
  10. S

    Bad day in Idaho panhandle

    All of my hunting life I have observed there are a few jerks in the forests. Crowding exacerbates the problem. Even in the 1950s there were hunters that muscled their way to take advantage of others. This in nothing new, and the state is not going to solve it. Sorry for your problem.
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    Advice: Outfitter Frequents Drainage

    If I had e scouted a unit and wanted to hunt there, I would not be dissuaded because some outfitter was there. I would not consider hunting as competition. He may have the advantage of knowing the area, but you can learn it too. Ultimately you and your dad are just hunting elk. Enjoy your hunt.
  12. S

    Question on scouting an area

    Where I hunt the elk travel in a large circular pattern. They return to the same general location about every 10 days. If I go to a spot, and see fresh sign, it only tells me that they were just there, and I am behind them. I need to know where they are and where they will be soon...
  13. S

    Question on scouting an area

    I scout any area I plan to hunt. I check for sign and look for places to set a tree stand if the area is new to me. I don't just go in hoping elk may be there someday. Even knowing elk were there last season is not good enough. I set up cameras along trails and at water holes. A few days...
  14. S

    Spike vs. Cow

    I would take the cow if it is larger. Spikes generally run 190-210 pounds hanging quarters with all of the bones. The cow I shot this year had about 175-180 pounds of clean meat after all butchering was finished. I have only had one cow that was tough in over 30 elk killed.
  15. S

    Elk Hunting clothing that won't break the bank

    You really do not need camo for elk hunting. Good quality clothing will last many seasons. I have some camo I got from Cabelas, but I also sort through the clothing racks at Good Will for Marino wool. If I find other items that are quality and fit well, I will buy them there too. I have...
  16. S

    Bow hunters over calling

    Wrench, I did not take your comment a a personal dig. I may have come off that way, but I thought you did not understand the situation. Trophyhill nailed it with his follow up post. We need to be adaptable, and one size does not fit all situations. I moved hunting locations. Where I hunt...
  17. S

    Bow hunters over calling

    Methinks you're not doing it right..... I would not normally respond to a comment like this, but there is a point to make here that may have a value. I don't think I forgot how to call right, or anything like that. The unit I hunted suddenly got a lot more archers when hunters in several...
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    Bow hunters over calling

    Here is something I have observed. Bulls on the public land, where I hunt, are pretty silent when compared to years ago (prior to 2000), but I can commonly get bulls on the ranch nearby to call back over the fence. They are very talkative there, but won't cross the fence. I have a hypothesis...
  19. S

    Most compromising position you have been in and harvested an elk?

    I have leaned out from my tree stand straining against my tether to get a shot angle on a bull.
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    Bow hunters over calling

    Everyone knows that setup is critical when calling. I often give out a short bugle before I climb up to my tree stand. I have learned the hard way about poor setups. A good calling location is important even for the tree stand hunter. Something that has surprised me over the years is how long...