I got on a while ago but kinda fell off looking at it very much, so I feel like I’m new again. I’m a Utah hunter that mostly hunts elk but some deer. Glad to be on here to learn!
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How long does it take to get permission once you meet those requirements? I think I have and it’s not showing up to allow it
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It seems lately I’ve seen a lot more people switching to fixed broadheads (ironwill, day six etc) from mechanicals, does anyone know why? Are they that much better?
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I’ve seen a video for comparing the argali to the reckoning but does anyone have both and could give advice on which they like better?
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Mostly spot and stalk hunting in Utah for elk and deer. I’m fairly new to it, I usually archery hunt but haven’t done much being fairly new
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Do most people on here run or lift or do a combination of both for hunting? What have people seen to be most beneficial and that carries over to hunting best?
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I want a camera that can be a point and shoot camera that takes better photos than my iPhone, any suggestion? Nothing crazy expensive but something that is still quality
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When going into a new area, what do people do to decide where to put a camera? Sign? Rubs? Or just a spot that looks like elk or deer would be? Salt licks?
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I have an October rifle tag here in Utah, I’m used to hunting deer in August/September with a bow so I don’t really know what the deer are doing or where they are at in October. Are they typically moving down from the high country or are they still up there? Any help or advice would be great(I’m...
I was wondering if I bought a used kifaru that had a medium belt on it, is it possible to take it off and put a small one on? Is it easy, difficult or is it impossible?
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You also get the extended archery season in Utah which let’s you hunt the rut for deer along the Wasatch front which is a lot of fun. You can have good elk hunting with the OTC tags too you just have to put in some effort and time to research and scout.
Ive busted too many arrows (fletchings and nocks) when shooting shorter distances (20-30) so i try to pick different spots on the target, but once I am past that I agree that the 1" per 10 yards is a good thing for most.