Search results

  1. Hank

    Has anyone done a pedestal mount on the wall?

    Recently finished building this wall pedestal mount for my bull from a couple years ago. It was an engineering task but really happy with the way it turned out.
  2. Hank

    2024 Best Wild Sheep Hunt Photo Contest, by Stone Glacier

    Colorado archery ram……9 yards!
  3. Hank

    +300" Bull Pics Through a Spotter

    Here’s a couple, 339 343
  4. Hank

    2024 Cold Bore Challenge

    MER 800 Glad to try this challenge again this year! Thank you guys for putting it on. Shooting a Seekins Havak Element 6.5 PRC Nightforce NX8 2.5-20x50 F1 Atlas bipod Omega 30 silencer Hornady factory 147eldm Prone with a squeeze bag Day 1 Hit Calm wind with a little overcast 6:45 am about...
  5. Hank

    2024 Cold Bow Challenge

    User Name : Hank Bow Brand : Hoyt Bow Model : Satori with black max 2.0 limbs Sight Brand : 3 fingers under, point aim BH Brand : VPA 125 grain MER : 20 yards vital area of mini moose Hit (X/3) : 2/3 Day 1: Sunny and calm 55 degrees Day 2: Sunny and calm, 58 degrees Day 3...
  6. Hank

    How Many 300+ Inch Bulls Have You Killed

    My wife, dad and my bulls from the last 4 years. Personally, I’ve killed 5, all archery.
  7. Hank

    Vote on the 2023 Best Elk Hunt Photo

  8. Hank


    My archery bull My wife’s archery bullMy dad’s rifle bullAll 3 together
  9. Hank

    2023 Best Elk Hunt Photo, sponsored by Kifaru

    Colorado archery bull!
  10. Hank

    Iron Will - June Giveaway!

    490 grains elk and mule deer
  11. Hank

    The Day Six Gear Dragonfly $$$ GIVEAWAY $$$

    1 Benchmade Grizzly Creek 2 Outdoor Edge swingblade
  12. Hank

    2023 Cold Bore Challenge

    MER 750 Shooting a Christensens ridgeline in 6.5 creedmoor Leupold VX6 3-18x44 Harris bipod 142 gr accubond lr’s Day 1 Shooting at 592 yards for qualifying shots 12” plate with a white 10” spray painted circle Temp was 74 degrees Variable Wind from right to left roughly 5-10mph Shot with...
  13. Hank

    Do you leave your quiver on or off when elk hunting

    I’m one of the odd man out. I tune and practice 90% of the year with quiver off. I split my time chasing high country mule deer and elk. Shooting in the high country typically has some sort of wind, I don’t want any extra wind push or weight on my bow with a full quiver. Elk I’m on and off...
  14. Hank

    2023 Cold Bow Challenge

    First year entering! Going with my recurve. Haven’t been shooting it much this last couple years, thought this would help get me going with it. Hoyt satori with Uukha ex1 limbs. 57lbs at 30”. Victory carbon trad arrows. 548 grains with a day six evo broadhead. Shooting for moose vital section...
  15. Hank

    Vote on the 2022 Best Elk Photo Contest, Sponsored by Kifaru

    Once again great photos everyone!
  16. Hank

    2022 Best Bull Elk Hunt Photo Contest, by Kifaru

    Solo CO archery bull….13 yards!
  17. Hank


    Wife's Muzzleloader deer! Extremely proud of her shot and effort.
  18. Hank

    Show off some mulies!

    He’s just shy of 34!
  19. Hank

    Mathews Switchback. Keep it or upgrade?

    Keep it for sure even if you get a newer bow.