Search results

  1. ckleeves

    Wilson FL resizing die and expander questions re .001

    Sounds like he was way over sizing, probably not measuring headspace and in an old Springfield meant to chamber anything under the sun probably bumping shoulders back .015 every firing. FL size properly and you will never have a problem and gain reliability over always neck sizing.
  2. ckleeves

    WTS/WTT Trijicon Tenmile 3-18x44 (mil)

    Bump. 1100.00 shipped.
  3. ckleeves

    Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44 new model

    Which reticle do you have? One of the MOA ones or the SHR-mil?
  4. ckleeves

    WTS/WTT Trijicon Tenmile 3-18x44 (mil)

    Selling a lightly used Tenmile. Was used for about 200 rounds at the range and shooting steel. The only marks I can find are on the objective side of the turrets a tiny bit of thread locker leaked from the ring. It’s hard to capture in pics but I can text/email more if anybody wants. As much as...
  5. ckleeves

    Evidence of sex in Colorado

    You can leave evidence on both hinds also. It’s easy enough to do a testicle on one side and a d**k stub on the other. It’s always best when it’s your first time to try to get it on the first side so you have a second chance. Even when it’s your 100th time it’s still not a bad idea. Just last...
  6. ckleeves

    Evidence of sex in Colorado

    I believe they are referring to “transporting” as more like in a vehicle to the processor or your house. I have been checked before while packing out and I think pretty much all wardens understand that a solo guy isn’t packing everything in one trip. I still always have a picture or 10 of the...
  7. ckleeves

    Hunting outfitter settles with USFS for starting wildfire

    The whole thing is insane if you ask me. The firefighting effort was hilarious, I mean cutting down random massive trees right next to a 200 yard wide open river bottom without any vegetation is useful and all but It’s not hard to spot bored workers doing busy work and seeing who can slay the...
  8. ckleeves

    CPW 2025 Regs Online

    I see the 1st rifle deer tags as a nothing burger. Those are some tough season dates for deer hunting. The units I saw them for don’t have any sort of early migration, to me it’s just an add on if you wanna deer tag in your pocket while elk hunting. Hopefully they pulled tags from second, third...
  9. ckleeves

    Sacrificing weapon quality for buck/herd quality and opportunity

    Agree 100%. It’s easy to look at success rates across various weapons when they share basically the same season dates and see it. In Co where we have archery, early rifle and muzzy all within 2 weeks of each other this is what success looked like last year in a unit: Archery: 16% Muzzy: 36%...
  10. ckleeves

    WTS/WTT Trijicon Tenmile 3-18x44 FFP mil

    Brand new in box, only taken out for pics. Never had a set of rings on it. Would prefer to trade (+cash on my end) for a NX8 Mil-C either a C623 or a C625 or a C588 Atacr depending on the deal. SOLD . Any questions just ask.
  11. ckleeves

    Bow Hunting 3rd Rifle

    It all depends on the unit you’re in. Zero-low point units you’re gonna get frustrated. You’re gonna work pretty hard to find a shooter buck let alone get within archery range. Top tier units I have been within easy archery range of some quality bucks during 3rd-4th from the front seat of my truck.
  12. ckleeves

    Sold Benchmark 7.75 twist 6mm #5 blank

    Top. Would also trade +- cash for a tikka prefit in 6gt, 6 creed etc.
  13. ckleeves

    Sold Benchmark 7.75 twist 6mm #5 blank

    Bought this and then decided to go shorter and can’t cut it with the fluting. Benchmark 6mm blank, #5 contour, 7.75 twist, straight flutes, 26” blank as it sits now. Weights 58 oz on my scale. sold Would consider trades for a 18”-20” blank or a steel that can be cut to the same.
  14. ckleeves

    CPW Decisions Today

    I believe the 50/50 will apply by residency, and like said above if the tags can’t be split evenly then the odd tag would go to the preference point side. I ran some rough math and I’m not sure it’s gonna be all rainbows and ponies especially on the non-res side. I ran some rough calcs on what...
  15. ckleeves

    CPW Decisions Today

    I’m assuming the OIL goes into affect with the changes, and anybody who has taken a ram is essentially grandfathered in on their past ram and could still get one (and only one) after 2028. I don’t know that factually but it only makes sense unless they start sending out checks for points...
  16. ckleeves

    New world record archery bull

    I’ll give you one guess. Actually I’ll just tell you to save you from reading. There have been zero facts. Lots of back and forth, some guys accused of sexual favors for the killer of the bull in question (ok that might be a slight exaggeration), some poor memes, a few good memes, sides are...
  17. ckleeves

    New world record archery bull

    No, we can’t sit over apples here. Now that’s not a dig on Oregon hunting, killing archery Blacktails over apples is probably way more challenging then rifling rutting Muleys here in CO. Different places, different methods, different challenges.