Just read an article sighting a report from the New York Post that over 10 million firearms owners/hunters are not registered to vote. This includes upwards of a half a million individuals in Pennsylvania and upwards of 350000 in many other states such as Wisconsin and Virginia. The easy...
The know shipper process requires a visit from a contracted official to verify your address. They actually come to your home. This is the part of the process that requires payment. I think it depends on travel distance between the officials location and your home. I believe I was charged...
Booked with a well known and productive DIY outfit for 2021, assuming I harvest a moose, I'm planning on 11,500 start to finish (including getting all my meat to my freezer at home).
Went in 2018 using the assistance of a hunt planner, didn't harvest a moose. If I was successful, the total...
Hunt the does.. Be smart about the wind and your approach/departure from your stand. Those big rutting bucks will be less cautious eventually and show themselves. You just need to be there when that happens! I just had a giant standing in my driveway (about 10 yards from my parked truck) an...
I'm new to elk calling, not new to diaphragms through turkey hunting. Any beginners out there, I've found the phelps grey and pink very easy to use. I trimmed both a little. I'm not going to win any calling contests but I was surprised how quickly I was able to make at least representable...
I use the primos sling all the time. I don't snap it, just use the little bungies over the cams. Literally takes seconds to get it off and ready for an arrow.
I just got the S100 iron will broadheads for my 4mm FMJs, well I ordered the solids, but inside the case label S100 were the vented ones . I order the impact collars too. They fly niiiiccce. I don't know about the science and all that going on in other threads but they are grouping spot on...
Thanks all for the input.......I appreciate it. Luke, your last sentence kinda hits the nail on the head for me. I like to be a little different but at the same time making sure I'm getting the right setup for what I want/need. And that AVR is sure a pretty machine.
Being primarily a bowhunter and growing up in an area of Minnesota where if you were gonna use a long gun to hunt deer, it had to be a shotgun, I never have owned a rifle. Well, except for a .223 AR......but that's just for fun. I'm starting to prepare for an AK moose hunt in 2018, and I...
I'm going out of my mind! 124 days until my first archery elk experience, unit 37 New Mexico. Shooting, hiking, shooting, lifting, shooting hiking, lifting, shooting.