Search results

  1. Mike Islander

    Fieldcraft light primer strike: 6.5 CM

    First ever light primer strike from any rifle. Loaded 4 rounds with one in the chamber for a Monday evening hunt. No deer, and I kept the rifle loaded on safety on this solo trip. Camped out and was back in the stand in the morning. No deer, so went to the 300 yard range for a few shots. Temps...
  2. Mike Islander

    First Lite Gen 2 Uncompahgre versus Kuiu Guide Pro Jacket: Short Review

    First Lite Gen 2 Uncompahgre versus Kuiu Guide Pro Jacket: Short Review I've been wearing a Gen 1 Uncompahgre since 2019 and it's a bit worn out now. Been looking for a replacement and tried the new Gen 2 Uncompahgre and the Kuiu Guide Pro Jacket. PRICE: Gen 2 Uncompahgre = $220, Guide Pro =...
  3. Mike Islander

    Almost hit this 8-point on my dirt bike...

    Little velvet 8-point jumped in front of me. Video shows much better quality of him popping out at time 17:50.
  4. Mike Islander

    Tough Doe, Long (successful) Search. Slightly Poor Shot. 6.5 147 ELD-M.

    Shot a large doe last night on a powerline. 180 yards just before last legal light (6.5 147 ELD-M, 2400 fps). Couldn't see which way she ran. Shot entered about the vertical halfway point, about 6 inches behind the crease. Exit was a little lower on the other side, about the size of a quarter...
  5. Mike Islander

    Squeeze bottle mayonnaise doesn't need refrigerator/cooler AFTER opening.

    Just a nice FYI. Good to know, since mayo tastes great on a lot of things and is packed with calories. Direct from the Hellmann's/Best Foods (same mayo, different brand name west of the Rockies) website. Not necessary to keep cool AFTER opening...
  6. Mike Islander

    Lost my turret O-Ring for SWFA 3-9x42 SS HD: Of course they are sending me free replacements

    Sighting in a couple of rifles on Friday for a NZ hunt later this year. Dew point of 81 (i.e. oppressive heat/humidity). Resetting zero on one of the two 3-9X42 scopes and dropped the damn silver keeper screw in the pine duff. Tiny o-ring went with the screw, but didn't stay with the screw. No...
  7. Mike Islander

    Comcast Business Shenanigans

    - Rant mode on, leave now or enjoy the wah, wah Just a heads up on how they did business with me (in Charleston, SC). This is for business internet services. After my first year they added $20 to my service, which was not unexpected. No notice and absolutely zero text anywhere notifying me of...
  8. Mike Islander

    Who can thread my Tikka T3X Lite 223 for a suppressor (Hyperion)?

    Shaen Magen at Shaen Rifles is not taking any new work at this time. Any recommendations for a Smith who can (currently) cut and thread my Tikka T3X Lite 223 for a suppressor?
  9. Mike Islander

    You have to hit at 200 before you can hit at 600! Wind test at 200 yards

    I sighted in my little 6.5 Fieldcraft last week. Shot 147 ELD-M the best (I only shoot factory). Went to our longer range (out to 600 yards) after turkey hunting yesterday to shoot a few groups. Only shot 200 yards. Why? Because I can't judge the wind and thought I better learn a bit more first...
  10. Mike Islander

    It's not you Factory 143 ELD-X, it's me. ;-) Can't shoot it! But can shoot 147 ELD-M.

    Shot several 4-round groups of 143 ELD-X and 147 ELD-M. ELD-M is consistently excellent in my 6.5 CM Fieldcraft. ELD-X is consistently sucky. It's not the first time the 147 has shot better for me. How can this be possible? Is it actually possible for this one factory cartridge to be so...
  11. Mike Islander

    Concealed Carry RENEWAL Times in Your STATE - RENEWAL

    SOUTH CAROLINA RENEWAL Applied online August 17, 2022. Approved for printing December 29, 134 days later. Received today, January 6, 2023, 142 days after I applied and 50 days after my card expired. That's lame. Last time (2017) it took a couple of months but was well within the requested 90...
  12. Mike Islander

    Lobster buck down. 200 pounds.

    I watched this old hoss grow this interesting rack all year. 8 points that are not exactly impressive, but I loved the unique lobster-claw antlers and knew I would shoot him if my fellow club members didn't get him first. 200 pounds, which is fairly large for a sea island buck (near Edisto, SC)...
  13. Mike Islander

    OnX Font Size Adjustment?

    Searched here and the net but can't find an answer. Can you adjust font size in OnX Maps? The word "font" doesn't occur a single time in the user guide. :-)
  14. Mike Islander

    Benchmade customer service = good in my experience.

    Lost the thumb lug on my Bugout. Filled in the contact form on the website letting them know I needed to buy one. Received a new one a couple days later, no charge. I own 5 Bugouts, which get tons of work at my warehouse plus in the field.
  15. Mike Islander

    Doe ran away, twin fawns ran right up to me!

    Just after sunset, with decent light left I spotted a doe with twin fawns that were still fully spotted. She saw me, but probably couldn't tell what I was. I was about 250 yards away with good wind. We watched each other for 10 minutes until she couldn't stand it anymore and she bolted away from...
  16. Mike Islander

    First time shooting past 300 yards. Not great...Cataracts. :-)

    Went to our open island range last week and shot 100, 200, 300, 540. Sighted in at 100. Shooting a 6.5 CM Fieldcraft, 21" barrel with 6x42 SWFA fixed scope. Best ammo grouping was with Barnes VOR-TX 127 grain factory. At 100 it was easy to get 1/2 MOA. I sighted in at the pistol range, since we...
  17. Mike Islander

    Fatal bear attack Alaska
  18. Mike Islander

    Cataract lens choice?

    Finalizing lens choice for cataracts. My surgeon is suggesting perfect long distance in right (dominant) eye and closer (but not reading close) in the other. He says I'll see well from computer distance to infinity. I understand that I will likely need readers for small print.. He says I won't...
  19. Mike Islander

    Athlon Cronus Gen II 10x42 = No thank you.

    Just returned them to the vendor. Hated the ergonomics. Insane diopter on the focus barrel moved whenever I held my gun against my chest, which is much of the time when I'm on a stalk or quick hike pace. I could also move it in one direction with almost no pressure on the "lock" mechanism...
  20. Mike Islander

    Deer scat? Google keeps saying bear. That would be a tiny bear!

    My guess is deer. They've been eating new growth at our farm/hunt club since the farmer rototilled last week. No hogs on the property.