Search results

  1. Z

    Change in plans!

    Sound like a great hunt!
  2. Z

    Tagged out on my goat in BC

    This is awesome! What an amazing experience...congratulations!
  3. Z

    Sheep scouting photos - how I spent the weekend

    Looks amazing!
  4. Z

    I know this is a hunting site... BUT

  5. Z

    Bow Case Recommendations?

    I use a SKB 4114A when flying. Its a two bow case but I put one bow in and pack clothes in there as well. Its worked well for me.
  6. Z

    Nice Bull

    Great pics!
  7. Z

    This Happened to Me

    Congratulations! I'll have to go pick one up.
  8. Z

    Alaska Brown Bear Hunt

    Sounds awesome!
  9. Z

    New Piranta... Piranta Torch....

    Probably going to pick one of these up and got a $10 off offer in the mail today from Havalon.
  10. Z


    Very cool! Congrats to your brother!
  11. Z

    Over 700 members now, great job!

    Great news!
  12. Z

    So here I sit

    Go get em! I've never gotten around to hunting them. See turkeys quite often where I deer hunt though so I'm not sure why I haven't tried.
  13. Z

    Sitting in the ER

    Sorry to hear this...hope he makes a fast and full recovery.
  14. Z

    Dropped Project Alaska

    I just caught the last episode on DVR and I noticed that comment. The next morning they were pretty much able to stay at camp and look down the river to where the moose was. :)
  15. Z

    Cougar family on trail cam!

    Very cool pics!
  16. Z

    Official Tenzing Outdoors - Introduction

    Welcome to Rokslide!
  17. Z

    Frogg Toggs

    I wouldn't use them for hunting. I got some a few years back and they got caught on something and ripped pretty easily. I don't remember what exactly I was doing but I know that I wasn't really putting them to the test
  18. Z

    My 2010 Cougar

    Congrats on a great cat!