Frogg Toggs

I used a pair several years ago and still keep them around for rain gear for my family. They do their job of keeping the rain off of you but the fabric is not really robust so if you are going through rough stuff I would not recommend it as it will likely tear. However, for just sitting or moving through open areas they should be fine. They are a cheap experiment even if you don't like them for hunting, especially since they are a nice "civilian" rain gear option.
Just for fishing...I wore them in Canada a couple years ago fishing and it was a downpour and they did good...But I was setting in a boat all day. I wouldn't use them for hunting.
I wouldn't use them for hunting. I got some a few years back and they got caught on something and ripped pretty easily. I don't remember what exactly I was doing but I know that I wasn't really putting them to the test
I have a set that I bought about 5 years ago for duck hunting. My set does not breathe at all. Once you take it off you will be as wet underneath from sweat as you would have been without it in the rain.
I use the pants and they seem to work ok. They kept me dry. I agree that they don't breath that well but they did a good job.