Search results

  1. midwestcowboy

    Motorcycle Hunting

    I ride a ktm 500 with a solid rifle harness on my pack,. It gets me a lot further (and faster) than the truck can. If you know how to ride dirt well, the extra power is nice. Don't rule out a tw 200, they are more than capable for most terrain. If shit gets western don't forget you can always...
  2. midwestcowboy

    Spotting scopes Vortex Razor Gen 1 16-48x65 or Gen 2 13-39x56?

    Thanks for the link, I'll check it out @Tahoe1305
  3. midwestcowboy

    WTS Mystery Ranch Pack Setup

    I have a Mystery Ranch setup for sale -> $550 OBO Guide Light MT Frame: Yoke size mens: Small/Medium (15-20 in) Waist belt mens: Small/Medium (31-36 in) Sawtooth 45 has been used 2 seasons. Hauled out a single mule deer. It’s in great shape. Beartooth 80 is brand new and has never been used...
  4. midwestcowboy

    Tags from Idaho 8/8 Leftover/Returned Sale

    No need to share what area you'll be hunting, but definitely pick-up a wolf tag. I have seen at least one wolf each year while Elk hunting Idaho. This goes without saying, but if you take an Elk be sure to hang the meat properly at camp (or in the field). You'll likely hear them at night. I...
  5. midwestcowboy

    Idaho Sawtooth B tag

    Sawtooth B tag is also typically inundated with non-hunters throughout Fall. It's steep and rugged country (like most of Idaho), Good luck.
  6. midwestcowboy

    Spotting scopes Vortex Razor Gen 1 16-48x65 or Gen 2 13-39x56?

    Also still hoping for a comparison on between Gen 1 and Gen 2 razor's. LMK @Tahoe1305 I love my Vortex binos. Trying to get into a quality spotting scope without shelling out a couple G's for a Swaro lol. There's a lot of Gen 1 and Gen 2 Razor's on FB marketplace...
  7. midwestcowboy

    Early morning wake-up’s

    Midday naps are underrated. Though, my hunting partner and I take shifts so we aren't missing any midday movement through the glass.
  8. midwestcowboy

    Tags from Idaho 8/8 Leftover/Returned Sale

    I'm a resident so this might not apply. I live in a small town with a less than ideal mail situation. My tags from IDFG typically take 1-2 weeks to show up. Last year, I ended up buying a second Turkey tag cause I was still waiting on my initial tag day of leaving for my hunt. Best of luck...
  9. midwestcowboy

    Lions in my Elk unit

    That's awesome and nice bike setup! Is it legal for me to put a cam over a carcass in Idaho? Hadn't thought of doing that before... I don't know if I'd plan to hunt over the carcass, more or less just see what comes through for a snack ha.
  10. midwestcowboy

    E-Scouting; Navigating the back country

    I'm now wondering if I'm missing out on something? Screenshot below is the topo map I see in OnX (left) and Gaia (right). Are people using "USGS Topo" in Gaia instead of the "Gaia Topo (feet)" layer? Maybe the preference is for Premium layers (I have a free/basic membership). I'm not seeing...
  11. midwestcowboy

    Lions in my Elk unit

    Thanks, I appreciate the advice. I’ll continue scouting the area and see what I can get into this season!
  12. midwestcowboy

    Lions in my Elk unit

    I’ll be sure to keep a Lion tag in my pocket. Thank you!
  13. midwestcowboy

    OnX Storage Usage

    Chiming in here, this is still the case as of today. This thread saved me 8GB on my iPhone. I went from 14GB to 6GB after reinstalling the OnX (and redownloading all my offline maps). Wow.
  14. midwestcowboy

    Lions in my Elk unit

    Hi everyone, FNG here with a first post. I'm an adult-onset hunter working to build my knowledge and understanding of Elk and their habits. Rokslide has been a great resource. I have yet to see a lion with my own eyes, this trailcam video is as close as I've got. I have photos of cows and a...
  15. midwestcowboy

    DIY mule deer

    Can't speak for NM. Idaho is some steep country though.
  16. midwestcowboy

    Preferred dates for OTC Idaho

    Outside of the weather and moon phase, I'd also consider any other hunts going on in the unit(s) during the muley season. Should help you determine hunting pressure and how many pullouts you'll have to pass by to park a truck.
  17. midwestcowboy

    Hardwood camo ok or do I need mountain camo?

    Echoing the sentiment here, clothing material used over camo pattern. Wear what feels good and allows you to layer. I wear solids colors including grey.