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  1. H

    Executive Action

    'Was' being the operative word. According to Obama, the recession is over and the unemployment is at 5ish% and everything is hunckey dorey. If so, then why hasn't welfare come down by 32% or even just a little bit? Heres all the info I could get from your link: "This article uses 1990 census...
  2. H

    Executive Action

    I disagree. A corporation/union has the right to spend it's money however the share holders/members see fit and is afforded free speech rights under the 1st amendment to communicate whatever the share holders/members see fit. The problem that people have with this SC ruling is that they assume...
  3. H

    Executive Action

    This is a very old talking point which I haven't heard in a while. I thought because it's been so thoroughly debunked that no one would bother with it anymore. I guess I was wrong. So, here ya go: Quoted from the image: "The top 10% of income earners pay 68% of all federal income taxes in...
  4. H

    Executive Action

    I strongly disagree with this. I don't think anyone has been shouting or hostile and I think everyone has been civil and respectful. I admit, that I added a few smart ass jabs, but there was no name calling or disrespectful conduct. And, I think as a whole we are pretty much on the same page...
  5. H

    Executive Action

    Absolutely, without a doubt. We did it as colonists to found this country. The Afganis did it to Russia. The Koreans and the Vietnamese did it to us. And, I would argue, the Iraquis as well. What size would you suggest? 10 seems to be the common compromise. So I guess the 1st ten people...
  6. H

    Executive Action

    I don't understand what you mean. Please explain. When I say acceptance, I mean decisions/actions have consequences and accepting the consequences associated with your decisions/actions is a part of being a free and responsible person. Would the word/s "enjoy" or "be satisfied with" make more...
  7. H

    Executive Action

    Sanders sure has been consistent. Consistently socialist! I have a hard time understanding, with all the failed socialist regimes in the past and the historical information available which clearly depicts the tyranny of socialism, how anyone could think it's a viable means of government...
  8. H

    Executive Action

    You sure about that?! You don't sound very sure. Maybe you should look that up. Here, I'll help: It's important to note that context is everything with the bible and this website provides a good bit of context for the passages that are included. It's clear...
  9. H

    Kifaru accessories on a Mystery Ranch

    I know all the SR buckles between the 2 companies are the same and interchangeable. The problem with MR fitting Kifaru accessories is the lack of common loops to attach k-clips. That the common method for Kifaru accessory attachment. You can piggy bag on some of the loops holding the sewn on...
  10. H

    Executive Action

    I cringe when people bring up 'common sense legislation' or 'compromise' because of spurious arguments like this. How can we even have a reasoned and logical debate on this topic when this is what you bring to the table. And travel was on foot or horse back and mail took months to get...
  11. H

    Executive Action

    Have you really thought this through. Do you realize all the laws Obama is breaking with this EA and all the parts of our Constitution he's trashing, and all the freedoms you're giving up? EAs are for clarifying laws not for making a laws. Making laws are the job of our legislative branch of...
  12. H

    Is an 18in barrel too short?

    If you subscribe to the 1,500 ft-lbs of energy minimum for an ethical kill, then that 18" barrel will limit you to about 350 yds. That's not a limit for me because I don't practice beyond those distances and have no desire to take a shot that far out. If you're of the same attitude, then at...
  13. H

    Kifaru cargo panel with MR NICE frame?

    Either version of the grab-it will work if you have 2 sets of SR buckles for the bottom attachments. The other 2 should plug right in.
  14. H

    Kifaru cargo panel with MR NICE frame?

    My Nice frame doesn't have any plastic or webbing common loops on the frame that Kifaru uses to attach the bottom of the load sling with the 3-bar sliders. Instead MR uses all SR buckles for frame attachments. Luckily, the SR buckles from MR work with the SR buckles from Kifaru, so you could...
  15. H

    What are you all wearing for blaze orange?

    I ran the Orange Aglow vest and pack cover this year and it worked out well for me. Definitely way better than the one size fits no one from Wal Mart. It's light, dries quick and is durable. It's a good product and I'm pretty happy with it.
  16. H

    Why not Paradox Pack?

    I tried the Paradox 4,800 bag with side zip, lid and Evolution frame. The frame is super light but stout, even with 100 lbs loads. The frame can receive add on attachments that can take it from 22" to 28", so no problems with lift no matter how much you load on it and it'll fit just about any...
  17. H

    Puffy on the inside or puffy on the outside?

    I get hot easily and quickly with any exertion. So I just tough it out for the first few minutes of hiking in with no long johns just to avoid the hassle of shedding them. Been doing this for training and hunting in the winter time for years. Just did a 4.75 mile ruck yesterday and it was 50...
  18. H

    Re-chargeable batteries?

    It's more than longevity with lithiums. They weigh half as much so you can bring twice as many at the same weight as alkalines. So what your really getting is 46 hours of 60CSX use with lithiums at the same weight of alkalines which will only give you 20 hours of use. Well worth the extra cost...
  19. H

    Heathers Choice meals ?

    I started using her meals this year and love them. The meals get a lot higher percentage of calories from fat versus other meals which get them from carbs. This is more how I eat at home, so this works well with my dietary routine. This may shorten the shelf life of her meals, but haven't...
  20. H

    Exo Beavertail on a Kifaru frame?

    Yes, it works great! But, you'll have to ditch almost all of the buckles it comes with and at least get the compression strap kit from Kifaru. The only buckle that comes with it that will work is the bottom set of buckles that are simple ladder locks with a split bar so you can slip it onto a...