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  1. E

    All things .308 Win

    Me too, what is that magix, looks like it shoots superb! Found the ammo, looks like a great option. Since I'm stocked up on amax in 168 I'll hold off, but nice to know theres another option for it too
  2. E

    All things .308 Win

    Heavy could be ok though if it means even less recoil and a more stable rifle. How heavy are we talking compared to the standard stock?
  3. E

    All things .308 Win

    How do you like that magpul stock? I was considering having my floppy bedded, or just buying the magpul but I dont know how the geometry would work for offhand, out of a tree type shooting
  4. E

    All things .308 Win

    anybody ever look closely at the numbers for 308 vs 223? I just picked up a 223 to set up the same as my 308 and using the factory bpx data from white box 73 eldm in 223 and black box 168 amax in 308 Its so similar that I feel like I've stumbled into a great way to enjoy more range time for less...
  5. E

    All things .308 Win

    I think Form has a couple long kills with the 308. If we use the 1800fps rule I think an eldm or amax might do it at 500 . Here are a couple different loads in a basic ballistic calculator that make it. I'm not personally comfortable at 500 since I'm just not that good, but that doesn't mean...
  6. E

    All things .308 Win

    I really think this is where I'm going next. I have a couple of gas guns in 223 but I want a heavier barrel bolt gun to practice even cheaper with and to shoot at coyotes and then eventually I'll buy a nicer 308
  7. E

    All things .308 Win

    I just cant find em locally and I dont reload. My dad could cook em up but he's been busy so I'm working with factory locally available offerings
  8. E

    All things .308 Win

    No reason a man can't have both. I'm just too indecisive to buy another caliber at the moment. I made the full lap from thinking I needed 300 win mag, 7mm mag, 7 prc, then I started shooting more and realized I don't have the skills to use those rifles to their potential
  9. E

    All things .308 Win

    This years lineup of hunting bullets I'd like to try. 180 tipped fusion, 175 terminal ascent, 168 amax, 165 trophy bonded, 150 core lokt, 150 nosler ballistic tip and a 150 ttsx. I know this gun shoots standard fusions great so I'll leave them for backup as I test what else might work well. So...
  10. E

    All things .308 Win

    180 tipped fusion, 100 yards. I think I shanked that left shot, I was shooting off a bipod and I'm not sure I'm that good at shooting off a bipod yet. The 180 fusion tipped somehow recoils differently and doesn't seem to be as sharp as the 168 amax on the shoulder. Could be positional...
  11. E

    All things .308 Win

    100 yards with a very blistery cold wind with gusts up to 25 mph, but was hidden in the trees enough so I could shoot off my pack. Top group is amax 168, what the rifle is sited for. Bottom group is 150 core lokt tipped. Obviously the 150s hit high but I'm pretty shocked at how well they shoot...
  12. E

    All things .308 Win

    Anybody tried the core lokt tipped in 308? I was given a couple boxes to try. I moved away from the original core lokt but now that I'm revisiting the "softer"bullets I'm wondering how they would do accuracy wise and on game
  13. E

    All things .308 Win

    You can see my lack of experience with most of my hits still landing on the right side of center. Thats an 8 inch shoot and see, so I feel comfortable to try and extend my range in the wind more next time. All very much dead critters, but I'm always trying to improve
  14. E

    All things .308 Win

    I was out shooting yesterday working on wind calls and learning how to hold off for wind. This is at 100 yards for a confirmation group before going "long" in the 2nd photo. 168 black box at 100, then at just under 300 in the 2nd . I felt really good with the results. The 2 on the far left...
  15. E

    Tipped Fusion vs Terminal Ascent

    Hey form would you have any reservations using the 180 in 308? My gun sure seems to like them, but they aren't moving very fast out of the gate and they kick like a mean little donkey
  16. E

    The original victory rip is really dang good

    I think you will do great! I used holt melt on the standard inserts so I could pull them and they held up really well if you aren't into using epoxt for your insert
  17. E

    The original victory rip is really dang good

    They leave almost nothing to be desired. I shot a ton of stuff with them this year and had awesome success. The factory insert did just fine, although I'd swap them out for easton, iron will or podium components just for peace of mind. I made a couple of long shots on game this year and had...
  18. E

    All things .308 Win

    Whats really interesting to me is that I was hell bent on needing a 7 rem mag, 7 prc or 300 win mag for my next rifle elk trip and then I got into the weeds on bullets and realized that for 99% of all the shots I would be capable of making, I wouldnt need a magnum rifle if I selected a proper...
  19. E

    All things .308 Win

    I actually really like that one too.... seems like a better bullet for most situations for me personally than a core lokt
  20. E

    All things .308 Win

    I searched the forum for Forms posts and started reading. Pack a lunch, because he has a lot of knowledge to drop and he has convinced me I know far less than I thought. I'm currently past mount stupid, but I'm learning. Thanks @Formidilosus