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  1. G

    Mammoths ....... in Yellowstone?

    have a mammoth's tooth in my office. I found it on a spoil island in Tampa Bay 40years ago. That was the 1980s...when they were still concerned about the next Ice Age they were warning about in the 70s. Climate change is nothing new. It's what makes it a planet not just a big rock. Problem...
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    Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44 new model

    mine arrived today. not mounted yet. parallax is firm but fine. I'm an MOA guy and like the reticle quite a bit. not sure i'll use the illumination but it's there. NFW I'm conducting any drop tests of my own
  3. G

    Suppressor wait times getting faster

    Adding a responsible person seems so half assed though. There’s nothing you submit. You fill out forms #2 & #4 that Silencer Shop sends you in your packet once the trust is approved, get it notarized and then scan it and keep a pdf with your approved form 4 & tax stamp. They’re not added to the...
  4. G

    Suppressor wait times getting faster

    Issue is finding cans in stock. Ordered another Raptor 8 stack. 6-8weeks out.
  5. G

    Have you moved out of state?

    Every good place whether beach, mountains, island or lake is too crowded and / or too expensive. There are just too many people. Everywhere.
  6. G

    Bartlein or benchmark cfw barrel

    I went Bartlein #14 m24/m30. I was told Benchmark's were heavier but I can't confirm. Availability may be your deciding factor. I've been talked out of CFW barrels by builders in the past b/c of little benefit, more prone to inconsistency and cost. This time, I'm trying to save a few oz and...
  7. G

    Maven RS1.2 2.5-15x44 new model

    I hope this checks all the boxes. One on the way. Kept saying I'd go 12x max this time but the 2.5-15x lured me in. Price seems right too vs other options.
  8. G

    Flying with a rifle case

    How will TSA open it? You are the ONLY one who should have access to the key or combo. You are NOT required to use TSA locks. "Only the passenger should retain the key or combination to the lock unless TSA personnel request the key to open the firearm container to ensure compliance with TSA...
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    I do. Still always looking at alternatives. So far no issues

    I do. Still always looking at alternatives. So far no issues
  10. G

    gun safes

    Most gun safes are not true safes but RSCs - residential security containers. Two sheets of thin metal with fire board or cement board sandwiched in between. They can be cut open with a circular saw pretty quickly. Many times the weight of a true safe makes an RSC the only option and if that’s...
  11. G

    AB raptor 4 stack vs 6 stack

    I have a 6 stack and my son a raptor 8. He’s running flush and I’ve tried both a 3” and 2” reflex. The flush raptor 8 is still a little quieter. I like the reflex mount because the flush mount sometimes gets stuck on the barrel and is hard to get off - the reflex u can get your hand around...
  12. G

    New Turkey Gun.......gimme your thoughts

    the first gun I bought for my son was for turkey and duck. Youth Weatherby 20g SA-08. Small, light. It’s now my turkey gun ( and I have two nicer berettas I could use). It’s just compact, easy to carry and I still have a bunch of turkey load for it.
  13. G

    Aoudad Ft Davis

    Had the pleasure to hunt with Roy Hurley at H.E. Sproul in March and had a great time with my son. Pretty wild country and I was amazed at how rugged the landscape was and the amount of wildlife. Ended up with a 30.5” and 33.5” Aoudad and two cow elk. Saw a giant 6x6 bull elk and plenty of mule...
  14. G

    2024 Tacoma- anyone bought one, drove one—thoughts?

    There’s still not room in the back for adults in a $50k truck. Bought a 23’ 4Runner instead
  15. G

    Why cant people accept the fact that some people dont need a drop tested scope?

    I fell gong down a hill this year with rifle in hand. While falling I pulled my rifle up so as not to fall on it and screw up my gun/optic. It was fine. But I’d rather worry about my skull next time. I appreciate the drop tests as imperfect as they may be.
  16. G

    Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    Stop following the media’s lead and calling it a bridge collapse as if it were a failure of the bridge in some fashion. This incites fear. A ship hit a main support. The bridge fell after a collision. Tired of headlines that don’t accurately relay what happened. Multiple mayday calls saved...
  17. G

    Auodad in Texas

    I wanted to try it. But after the cooler was full of elk meat, we left it for the dogs. Guide said they probably wouldn’t eat it either mine was 30.5” my son got a 33”. I don’t like shooting things I don’t eat
  18. G

    Lightweight Suppressor Comparison and Poll

    I think any of these quality cans makes shooting much more enjoyable. Get what is available at a decent price. Just did aoudad and elk (cow) hunt in west TX my son shooting his 8 stack (flush) I wound up shooting raptor 6 stack with 2” reflex. Both super quiet and zero issues w/o earpro. I’m...
  19. G

    Anyone have experience w/ long range fuel tanks?

    I've had Titan and S&B tanks for f250s. If towing at all it's necessary - it's often a challenge trying to refuel with 40' of trailer behind you. When not towing the 1000mile range was nice
  20. G

    Zeiss LRP s3 4-25x50 to NF ATACR 4-16x42

    anyone have side by side experience with the two? I have the LRP s3 and like it fine but it's prob more magnification than I need hunting. I do like to zoom in more but limiting my field of view is a problem on follow up shots. I also want to go down in bulk/profile. Low profile turrets and...