Search results

  1. AlphaK9

    Mathews Lift Limb issues?

    Good to know. I draw 29.5. Strange that the weight "originates" from the mods... since i could drop lower weight mods in and maybe problem solved. Somewhere in the engineering maybe, regardless I am betting they will handle it.
  2. AlphaK9

    Mathews Lift Limb issues?

    Yeah mine is a Lift 33 with 80 lb limbs.... it scales around 83#. I will take it in. The local shop is real good about that.
  3. AlphaK9

    Mathews Lift Limb issues?

    About halfway through the last 3D shoot this past weekend I noticed my Lift's interior limbs started to look a little grey as opposed to the flat black the other ones are. Think stretched rubber band color. I didn't know if it was paint or just finish wearing off- the bow might have 300-400...
  4. AlphaK9

    Sold Muzzle Brakes-TBAC, CA, FIERCE

    PM me your best shipped price on the Fierce brake if you could.
  5. AlphaK9

    What do you do for a living? How can you help?

    I am the K9 Unit Commander for my department. I have been in law enforcement for going on 13 years now... done quite a bit in the career but K9 has been the main stint since 2014. Training dogs, weapons and tactics, and taking down drug operations has been the focus. I love hunting big antlers-...
  6. AlphaK9

    Attempted Assasination

    Reagan won 49 states after he got shot...
  7. AlphaK9

    Sold Hoyt Satori

    Now 650 with quiver
  8. AlphaK9

    Sold Black Widows

    Got some Black Widows that need new homes. 1st is a 64", 64# @ 28" Ironwood 2nd is a 64", 59# @ 28" Autumn Grey, this is a takedown named "Wakantanka" 3rd is a 62", 54# @ 29" Greybark All are in excellent shape, and currently wear black leather quivers I can include for 50 bucks each if you...
  9. AlphaK9

    Sold Hoyt Satori

    Forgot to mention it's the 21" riser... very stable.
  10. AlphaK9

    Sold Hoyt Satori

    I have a 55# @ 28" Hoyt Satori, all black, with medium length limbs. Installed some custom antler grips and the shelf material, let loose 2 dozen arrows and it's been sitting since. Awesome bow, I just don't have the time do dedicate to a recurve right now. I have a new Hoyt 6 arrows 2 piece...
  11. AlphaK9

    My Utah Bait bear “Moe”

    Awesome story!
  12. AlphaK9

    Sold Winchester Model 70 Extreme Weather SS .300 Win Mag

    Oh ok, so that stock was painted black I take it?
  13. AlphaK9

    Sold Winchester Model 70 Extreme Weather SS .300 Win Mag

    Just curious did the nicks in the stock happen in a vice or a tool or some sort?
  14. AlphaK9

    Anti-hunting Hunters - Article by Fred Eichler

    Great article and good discussion guys
  15. AlphaK9

    Montana Marksman Rifle - MMR

    Well I searched around the forums and couldn't find anything on it.... does anyone have any experience with the Montana Marksman Rifle? Montana Rifle Company made them almost a decade ago- dedicated long range gun but really heavy- maybe 12lbs bare?! Curious if anyone knows much about them...
  16. AlphaK9

    FNG From the Hawkeye State

    Howdy- I will admit I have been shamelessly creeping on this site for years. It seems to pop up in Google searches often with answers to my questions so I pulled the trigger and joined. What an awesome place! I have been bowhunting since I was 14, both with trad equipment and compounds, and in...
  17. AlphaK9

    Requirements to Upgrade from FNG?

    *taking notes...*
  18. AlphaK9

    Non resident OTC archery elk is over in Colorado

    Good to know.
  19. AlphaK9

    My gear/pack layout from base layers to binos

    ^This. Well done on the breakdown, very helpful.
  20. AlphaK9

    White Bear

    Awesome hunt, ridiculous regulations that you can't bring it back though