Anyone have a lead on an outfitter that will drop off a solo in backcountry on horseback? All the guides are setup for full kits and min of 2 people at camp
I piss off my stand all the time. Of course I make sure I have a steady diet of clover and alfalfa so I smell like a buck. Take a leak just watch the wind 😂
I carried one of those a few years back on a horseback hunt, I carry much lighter now. I would do a gunfighter rig like whats posted above, the closer to your body, the less you will feel the weight.
Are you shooting solids? I assume so cause that aint no squirrel gun. Just wait till...
the excitment is really building especially as elk related goodies get dropped off by UPS......wifey is like are you done spending money LOL 37 days to go!!
I just wonder how they would enforce not letting NR go into BLM? Equal Protection clause in the Constitution, sounds like a great way to get sued by NR.
Not really sure if the boogie man Corona can survive at 10k. Unless they wont sell me a OTC tag I am going.