I’ve found the same in most hunting clothing, they neck the sleeves down tight from the elbow down so people don’t complain about their bow string hitting it I think. It makes layering a nightmare, I have big fore arms for my scrawny size haha
OP I’m curious why you’re looking at doing the stratus with layers when you already have the first lite solitude? The solitude, if you have the 2.0 wind proof version, pretty much is the stratus with layers all in one. If you have the original solitude then I could see how wind might be a problem.
I know little about any firearms except shotguns, but all my buddies who gun hunt started using .450 bushmaster when Iowa made straight wall rifles legal for gun seaosn.
If your insert accepts them you could get a fact weight kit. I personally wouldn’t be scared to out 25 grains of epoxy or glue or something of that sort in there.
Looking to sell my title 36 in mint with black limbs. Bow is in great shape. I was going to go down the target rabbit hole and just don’t have the time. Would also make an awesome hybrid bow for hunting or target. It has 60lb G mods 75% let off but that can be changed easily. I have 3rd axis...