I have the divide 3000. I soaked it in a tote with water and baking soda for a day and a half to take some of the scent and noise out of it. It carries nice with 4 sticks, a saddle platform, and heavy bibs/jacket when needed. I don’t have experience packing out a deer with it but I’ve heard of...
I just sold mine and will be buying the FL phase just because I want to try it and I like the pattern better. otherwise would definitely have kept the stratus. With a very thin base, the furnace set, and a puffy I was good til about 40-45
I’m considering ordering a accupoint 3-9 myself, although I may go a cheaper route with a vortex or leupold. I bought a vortex viper 1-6 but it’s kinda heavier than I’m wanting
New user here. Figured I’d post up the pedestal floor mount I ordered for my 23’ Kansas buck. The guy messaged me today that it was done. There was still about 8-9 weeks left from the lead time he gave me which is awesome.
New to the forum from central NY. Long time member on archerytalk and short term on saddle hunter. Besides bow hunting I shoot a bit and am big into fly fishing as well.