Search results

  1. wmr89

    Iron Will - June Giveaway!

    490, mule deer and elk, thanks!
  2. wmr89

    FNG to the site from Idaho

  3. wmr89

    Ongoing Research on Transmission of CWD to Humans

    Fortunately, most prion diseases are pretty rare. Unfortunately, between rarity and long incubation periods that means that there isn't very good data from similar diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease that would indicate what the chances of contracting CJD from eating infected meat would be...
  4. wmr89

    Ongoing Research on Transmission of CWD to Humans IF (the magic word in this thread) it were to jump to humans the prognosis would probably not be great. Current prion diseases that do affect humans have no good treatments, no cures, and are all fatal.
  5. wmr89

    FNG from St. Louis

    Welcome! Congratulations on the tag draws, sounds like it will be a great fall!
  6. wmr89

    Elk broadhead

    Kudu 125 for me, I really want to try out the iron will heads but the kudu fly really well for me and I still have a bunch left so I can't quite justify the cost
  7. wmr89

    What gear are you looking to buy before this fall?

    I would love to get a chronograph before the season but other than that I think I am pretty set for the upcoming year.
  8. wmr89

    Ongoing Research on Transmission of CWD to Humans

    Unfortunately, if CWD does jump to humans it will change the way all of us hunt whether we want it or not. Game agencies will likely wipe out deer and elk in any area with positive results.
  9. wmr89

    Iron Will - June Giveaway!

    490, mule deer and elk. Thanks!
  10. wmr89

    Wasatch Limited Entry Elk - Roadless Areas

    If there aren't places for you to get miles off the road then there aren't places for the elk to get miles from the road. You pretty much answered your own question.
  11. wmr89

    To the mods…

    The first year I really put time into archery elk hunting I bought an OTC general elk tag that has less than a 10% success rate. My BIL and I chose an area based on a tip from some guy that my BIL bought a fish tank from. He told us he liked to ride horses in the area and often saw elk. We spent...
  12. wmr89

    Peax Discount

    Gritty, Chag, Stealthy, Altitude. Just start typing in influencers and the discount will pop-up.
  13. wmr89

    Iron Will - June Giveaway!

    490, Elk and Mule Deer. Thanks!
  14. wmr89

    Utah 2023 Results

    Just emails so far
  15. wmr89

    Utah 2023 Results

    Finally got my email, successful for dedicated deer!
  16. wmr89


    Congratulations on an awesome tag!
  17. wmr89


    PM sent
  18. wmr89

    Utah 2023 Results

    Dang it, I set up a credit card text alert so I wouldn't be distracted with refreshing my credit card statement for a week straight. Now I am going to waste the whole day refreshing my email.
  19. wmr89

    Muzzleloader accuracy

    100% agree. The accuracy displayed in the video has almost nothing to do with the actual rifle being shot. My scoped CVA Wolf can easily shoot groups at 100 yards that would compete with the pricey guns in the video. Most modern muzzleloaders will out shoot the average open sight shooter's...
  20. wmr89

    New guy from Utah

    Even though you missed this year's draw, if you can get your Hunter's Ed done quickly then you should be able to put in for big game points between June 7 and June 22. That way you will be better set up to draw a deer tag next year. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about how to do that.