Utah 2023 Results

Finally confirmed what I expected in the first place, big game in Utah is safe from me this year. Was hoping the res general tag could still be drawn with 0. Thankfully I've got the points in WY
Feeling very lucky and blessed in our family this year. 4 general muzzleloader deer tags for my dad, 2 brothers and myself, which is a big deal since it’s been a few years since we’ve all shared a camp together.

On top of that, my brother drew a limited entry mid-season rifle elk tag on a favorite unit in our family. It’s especially special this year since we will be hunting a place my grandpa loved and spent many years in running cows growing up and hunting elk and mule deer his whole life. Grandpa passed away 3 weeks ago from Parkinson’s, and I can’t help but think he had something to do with my brother’s draw success!

Congrats to everybody else, and good luck this fall!
I struck out on the LE and OIL hunts but drew a general season muzzleloader deer tag. First time back hunting in Utah since I drew my LE elk tag in 2016.
General early rifle deer non res. Not like I was surprised had way more points than it took previously
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