I think it’s easy to get wrapped up in caliber. I did this summer but ultimately took my 7mm-08 on a moose hunt and it worked fine. I wouldn’t hesitate to take .270 on elk if I shot it well.
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Took a cheap shooting stick but shot bull at like 40 yards so no need to use. First shot was perfect. Second shot was also very good. He laid down and went to stand back up and put one more in for good measure.
Only one of the 7mm-08 rounds was full pass through.
Was a fun experience. You...
Selling two used Carter EZ’s.
The orange is standard size and was just sent back from a tune up at Carter.
The purple is the Small and shoots great. I have the original packing for this one.
I have one brass knob I can include with one of them and also have Allen keys.
$130 each via...
Isn’t Canada or Alaska but I leave tomorrow to head to Maine with my first moose tag. Still can’t believe I drew a tag in 3 or 4 years but I am thrilled to give it a go !
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This is my backup plan as well. They outfitter said they will quarter and let me freeze then I can bring back to MI and pay significantly less.
Also means I can leave right away if I choose and reclaim some days back home for other hunts!
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While waiting on OP, I leave this weekend for my hunt next week and taking my 7mm-08 as primary and .308 as secondary. Both sited at 200.
If I was flying I would just bring one.
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I have tried to use link a few times but doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong? Wanted one for older daughter
Edit: I got it now
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