Maine Moose Hunting

Got my Maine permit yesterday. One less thing to worry about as I am over 1300 miles away. We are going to leave several days early for a road trip. The hunt is getting real at this point. I can't believe what some processors are charging. One I talked to would be over a thousand dollars or more. I am going to bone it out, bring it back and have a deer processor do it for a hundred dollars or so.

This is my backup plan as well. They outfitter said they will quarter and let me freeze then I can bring back to MI and pay significantly less.

Also means I can leave right away if I choose and reclaim some days back home for other hunts!

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Got my Maine permit yesterday. One less thing to worry about as I am over 1300 miles away. We are going to leave several days early for a road trip. The hunt is getting real at this point. I can't believe what some processors are charging. One I talked to would be over a thousand dollars or more. I am going to bone it out, bring it back and have a deer processor do it for a hundred dollars or so.
I posted my bull above but had the exact same trip as what you are describing, 1400 mile car ride. I took 3 coolers 2x150 qt and a 120qt. we had help packing the quarters out but once at camp we spent 5 hours deboning and putting the meat into bags on ice in the coolers. It traveled fine home that way. the local processing and taxidermy was insane cost. so I used the 120 qt cooler for the cape and capped the skull. it was quite the jig saw puzzle getting the truck loaded but everything made it home.
Congrats! Headed to zone one this weekend for my hunt next week.

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good luck! the country is thick thick thick once you get off the logging roads.