While I wouldn't consider them barefoot footwear per se the Plasma Dewalts are a near zero drop, plenty wide in the toe box in the "wide" sizes, come with safety toe, and I've found to be comfortable as heck. I pull out the insert that comes with them and put in a Run 619 zero drop insert. My...
Exactly...but more menacing... 😂. Was easy to freak myself out at that age trying to sleep in shadows of He Devil, She Devil, the Ogres, the Goblins, etc.
Yah, ditto. Traveling thru couple weeks ago and just caught 'em peaking out as I was flying down WB Grade. It was a long poke with the 300mm but pulled over and took a stab at 'em with the camera - a bit outta range:
I did the whole loop in my teens with just my bird dog with me...woke up to...
I have an N=1 for sheep hunting experience but I was set up with a Rokstedi P242 bipod, practiced a ton thru the summer from prone, to kneeling, to seated, to angled sidehills, to steep downhill, to steep uphill. I had my day pack set up with one large batwing that popped right off in two snaps...
Mine must not have gotten the memo!! 😂
Mine largely does bird dog and pleasure duty but has been bomber on sheep, deer, and elk hunts also.
I have really liked it coming from a Polaris Ranger which just felt like a golf cart to me. The Commander is super comfortable, hauls decent load...
Awesome captures of some incredible adventures and great rams fellars!
I had to go about 80 miles from home for my adventure - I could hunt the mornings and be home for lunch...and it was truly an awesome OIL experience I made the most of!!
'24 SE Idaho California Bighorn:
I'm surprised you wear the hanwags and Hoffmans at all given how light and flexible your other footwear is...Ive gotten to the point I just can't stand anything that stiff and clunky - they feel like they totally change my gait and restrict the motion where I'm supposed to have motion...
Yaaah man! Things can change fast!
I drew my Idaho OIL Cali bighorn this year. The unit was close to home, I was able to go over and scout like a mad man all summer, bothered everyone I thought might know anything about anything, rucked/trained/hauled around 60lb sandbags/shot rifles/the...
I used to just don the wind/rain pants also for those times I'm sitting/glassing..but I kinda find that to be a PIA with noise and associated body gymnastics. I'm sure I would feel similar to having to pull on puffy pants. Last year I switched to carrying a lightweight/14oz down blanket with a...
Light, flexible, as minimal as possible for me...I'd say fast but I'm a month from 60 and built like a sasquatch so who am I kidding...
Topo Athletic Terraventures with a scree gaiter have been my go to for the dry - super lightweight and breathable. So breatheable my toes are usually pretty...
3186fps with a load I get from Hendershots. Waffled back and forth with Wby factory 129gr Hammers at 3317fps. I just got slightly better groups with the eld-x...not that any of that mattered ultimately. Bullet just shrapnel'd on impact - no exit...maybe a little too speedy and close for...
Experience of a lifetime for sure! Per FnG biologist "9.5yo for sure, possibly 10.5yo" so really happy to get a mature ram. The outpouring of help and graciousness of other hunters pursuing other game in the area was truly humbling. Thanks to chukar_chaser, TFrazier, and CGilbert for the help...