Search results

  1. bowtech3dhunter

    EE quilt?

    I think you'll be happy. I got the reg and on really cold nights I was wishing for the long. I ended up putting my puffy jacket over the top of my head.
  2. bowtech3dhunter

    Alaska Blacktails

    I hunted Blacktails on Afognak Island in November. It was a fun hunt, but cold and wet.
  3. bowtech3dhunter

    It ain't birds but...

    Awesome looking bow
  4. bowtech3dhunter

    Mule deer arrow 2015-2016

    What did Easton replace them with?
  5. bowtech3dhunter

    Mule deer arrow 2015-2016

    what about an Easton ACC 3-60 ?
  6. bowtech3dhunter

    Kifaru Nomad - Setups

    I've hunted with my Nomad for two elk seasons now and It's packed out three bulls. I love that pack and can't say enough good things about it. I have a camp bag, guide lid and grabit II. I load all of my gear for 7-10 days in the camp bag and drop it once I get to camp. Then I just run the...
  7. bowtech3dhunter

    New (to me) model 7

    My first rifle was a model 7 in 7 mm 08. They are great guns that will be a great first gun for him.
  8. bowtech3dhunter

    Enlightened Equipment Tour

    Thanks for sharing. I bought one of their quilts last season and love it. The quality and craftsmanship is amazing.
  9. bowtech3dhunter

    First Archery Mule Deer

    That's a great first deer. Great job man.!!!!!
  10. bowtech3dhunter

    Place to Shoot Broadheads Near Denver

    I was going to say this place, because they actually have a nice sand pit for shooting broadheads.
  11. bowtech3dhunter

    what will he score?

    He seems a little narrow to me for him to reach the mid 180s. Plus he's in velvet, I'd guess he's going to gross out in the mid 170s.
  12. bowtech3dhunter

    Antone get there CO refund yet?

    Anybody know why I only got a check for $6 for my resident elk refund check?
  13. bowtech3dhunter

    Freebies for Feedback!!!

    A Kifaru Mega Tarp
  14. bowtech3dhunter

    Seek outside Cimmaron

    Do you have a weight of the Cimmaron with the stove jack sewn in?
  15. bowtech3dhunter

    Which decoy for the mobile hunter?

    I think you'd be fine " being mobile" with any type of single hen decoy. It's only one.
  16. bowtech3dhunter

    What would u do ? Idaho unit 50

    I work in that area and the first two weekends of season there were tons of trucks out. I saw 19 trucks at one trail head
  17. bowtech3dhunter


    my thoughts exactly
  18. bowtech3dhunter

    Easton ACC pro hunting arrows?

    If your draw length is 26.5 I'd guess your arrow shafts would be 26 inches. Why would you cut your shafts longer then your draw length? Extra weight?
  19. bowtech3dhunter

    Looking for a trekking pole deal

    I bought these Komperdell trekking poles from Eastern Mountain Sports and they're on sale for $49 They work great