Enlightened Equipment Tour


May 12, 2013
Anchorage, AK
Hey Roksliders, it just so happens that I am in Minnesota this weekend and staying within blocks of the Enlightened Equipment folks. So I thought, what better to do than swing in and have a look at their operation and get some "hands on" with their quilts since I'm ready to get one for myself!
I don't think the EE folks get a lot of visitors their way, and certainly not ones that have traveled all the way from Alaska. "You're from Alaska? You mean THE Alaska?!" There were a half dozen or so folks in an office sitting at their desks, likely answering emails and talking to fellow Roksliders on this forum and answering all of our questions about their products. I met the owner, Tim, and he was great to talk with and schooled me on down fill weights, treated vs. untreated down, and what size quilt was gonna work for my needs. EE is in a small, but bustling building, and the sewing room is a beehive of activity. There were about a dozen guys and gals at sewing machines, headphones on, who barely glanced up when an outsider walked in to check out their operation. More were on the outskirts of the room, cutting patterns and filling bags with premium down. Tim explained the process of building a bag from start to finish and was more than helpful with answering questions. EE has moved from Tim's house, to this facility, and soon into a new, much larger building, where they will have room to have a storefront and spread out a little bit.
While this isn't a review of Enlightened Equipments quilts, (there have been many of those before) it is a very nice opportunity to see first hand the dedication, attention to detail, and hard work that goes into the products they make, and the willingness to show a customer and future end user their "house." And as a true testament to their good nature, when I told Tim I was ready to order one for myself, he replied, "Wait until Monday and order online, we are going to have a sale!"

Id like to thank Tim for the tour, and keep up the good work!


luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
Yeah yeah rub it in why don't ya!!

Seriously though, jealous as it had to have been enlightening (pun intended) to talk to the folks there and see how things are made and such.

Thanks for sharing!


Mar 24, 2013
Winona, MN

It was great meeting you the other day and getting the chance to talk with someone who actually understands what we do. Locally when people ask us "what do you do in there?" they are always surprised to hear what we actually make.

For those interested in the sale Matt mentioned you can now use the coupon code HOLIDAY2015 through the end of the month for 10% on every thing.

-Tim Marshall
Owner; Enlightened Equipment