Left hand Ruger guide gun. I’m typically a traditional walnut stock guy but I really like the laminate. Taking it back country I figured keeping it pretty wasn’t worth the hassle. Purchased that rifle when headed to Idaho for a bear hunt and the wife said. What are you taking for grizzly...
My 25-06 with an 80gr ttsx at 3770 for varmints to elk, and my 375 Ruger with 300gr game kings for anything else. Would probably switch to a mono bullet if headed after dangerous game though. The 375 is just so much fun to shoot! Puts a smile on my face every time. First game taken with that 375...
Planning to do the same this spring. Western Montana somewhere. Anyone have reputable sources for snow cover when it gets closer game time? In the past we have just checked with ranger stations.
Went memorial weekend 3.5 years ago and that was too early for the elevation we were hunting. We were hunting around Pierce, ID at 5000’ and only bear sign we found was around 3000’. Like the other guys have said. Put on the miles and get on fresh sign.