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  1. Justin.Medcalf

    Used Recurve

    Definitely go with the longer bow length. It will be much more forgiving and wont stack as bad with a longer draw.
  2. Justin.Medcalf

    What's your total weight upfront?

    For my Satori set up for hunting I am slinging 275 up front. It consists of a 100 gr. brass insert and a 175 three blade VPA or a 25gr Easton 6.5 insert with a 250 gr. Cutthroat. No collars used ever if I am worried about the front end I foot it with a half inch of aluminum shaft.
  3. Justin.Medcalf

    Oregon feral sheep hunt

    Checking to see if anyone has hunted public land feral sheep in central Oregon. I checked with Oregon fish and wildlife and they say they don't manage them as game animals. Seems like a good opportunity to chase something with my stick bow! Plus anything to help out the wild sheep is a plus.
  4. Justin.Medcalf

    Rest for Satori

    Yeah man that's the stuff, I run mine up halfway on the first coil so the side of the arrow runs on it too.
  5. Justin.Medcalf

    Rest for Satori

    Hey just got back from vacation sorry, I used super small heat shrink that I got at home depot in the electrical aisle. I wanna say it's like 5/32 diameter. I just slide it up the arm and stop where the arrow will make contact. replace it every 300 shots or so.
  6. Justin.Medcalf

    Rest for Satori

    The safari tuff springy is actually a Pat norris springy. The advantage is randy gives you 3 springs with it.
  7. Justin.Medcalf

    Rest for Satori

    Yeah man, I just have velcro on it incase the arrow comes off so it doesn't clank if I am hunting.
  8. Justin.Medcalf

    Rest for Satori

    try a 25oz but you may need a 30oz. A lot of it depends on your release and how clean it is too. If you pluck bad or if you put a lot of down pressure on your arrow at release you will want a lighter spring for more forgiveness. Rememeber that you will need to trim it a little bit too. I run...
  9. Justin.Medcalf

    Rest for Satori

    I use a Pat Norris springy rest on my Satori. The cheap one not the micro tune, it is bomb proof easily adjustable and it really helped my consistency. For my hunting setup I just slide a piece of heat shrink over the very end of it and it is dead silent on carbon or aluminum arrows. If you do...
  10. Justin.Medcalf

    What are you guys shooting for arrows?

    I shoot 31 inch 400 spine Easton 6.5 Hunter classics with 275 upfront from a 51lb satori at my 29 inch draw. The easton 6.5 hunter arrows are just Beman ICS shafts reworked. I have had very good luck with them for the last 10 years.
  11. Justin.Medcalf

    WTS PSE Prophecy bow

    50-60lb right hand PSE Prophecy. No issues comes with rest only no sight. String has one more year in it. Adjustable draw length without a press. Only reason I am selling it is because I havent shot it in 2 years! 350 obo tyd or trade for XL Sitka jetstream in subalpine in like new condition...
  12. Justin.Medcalf

    Sold Prana Pants-NWT

    Are they all slim fit?
  13. Justin.Medcalf

    Brace height & hunting question

    No buttons I just stop every now and then and pull all the crap out!
  14. Justin.Medcalf

    18 minutes of deer hunting with a trad bow

    Great video man! You need a tree saddle for those buggers. Find likely travel areas and whack em!
  15. Justin.Medcalf

    Brace height & hunting question

    I always start with my BH in the middle of the manufacturers specs and tune an arrow to my bow. Once that is real close I move up and down on my BH three twists at a time until I find the sweet spot where it is quite and as little hand shock as possible. Just remember that a curve is never...
  16. Justin.Medcalf

    WTB Kifaru Stryker

    Found one thanks everybody.
  17. Justin.Medcalf

    WTB Kifaru Stryker

    Looking to buy a Stryker let me know what you have!
  18. Justin.Medcalf

    WTS Kuiu Pro 3600 pack system

    Sold pending funds
  19. Justin.Medcalf

    WTS Kuiu Pro 3600 pack system

    Open to offers.
  20. Justin.Medcalf

    WTS Kuiu Pro 3600 pack system

    Still available