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  1. JG358

    This is a win !

  2. JG358

    WTB Leupold VX3 2.5-8x36

    Matte finish, B&C reticle preferred
  3. JG358

    270 Win case stretch?

    Not really a concern IMO. I've got tight (min spec) chambers in several riffles and never had a failure to chamber issue due to crud. As for your stretching issues, I'm kinda at a loss as I have brass that has been reloaded 4-5 times that I have yet to have to trim. I just neck size. I'd...
  4. JG358

    Favorite ways to process Mule Deer?

    Keep the tender and backstraps and grind the rest into sausage(hot Italian, Breakfast, summer)
  5. JG358

    Colorado wilderness crowding

    Heck, Alaska might still be a bit to crowded for Mike
  6. JG358

    Best sleeping pads for a side sleeper?

    I love my expeds. Running UL for warmer months and downmat for late season hunts.
  7. JG358

    Show me them tipis

  8. JG358

    Who eats / uses venison fat?

    Not a fan of venison fat or any wild game fat for that matter, I trim it all off. Only fat I add is beef when I'm making sausage.
  9. JG358

    Hunter Safety Certificate

    Non Res can get theirs verified as well. Same deal as res, must be in person at a CPW office.
  10. JG358

    Hunter Safety Certificate

    CPW has to verify it in person, after that you can quit carrying the card. Once verrified, their will be a little v on your license. If they ask for it when you go to get a license, just tell them its verified. Once verified, your Colorado hunting license also serves as proof of hunter safety...
  11. JG358

    WTS .260 Remington 700 Titanium

    It just chipped out when they drilled it, not uncommon when working with Ti. Its a pain to work with.
  12. JG358

    Am I out of line?

    No. I would have done the same.
  13. JG358

    Kifaru pack/belt question

    Well, I've never heard any complaints from the critters I've killed about my mix/match colored Kifaru stuff. Coyote frame, foliage and wolf grey packs and accessories with an occasional UL pod..
  14. JG358

    Kifaru Shipping charges

    In all my years dealing with them, that right there is typical Kifaru customer service. I've never had an issue with them that required more than a quick call, e-mail or text to get resolved.
  15. JG358

    What are you cooking with your game meat?

    Some elk steaks...
  16. JG358

    Smoking elk roast?

    Looks like my bigger roasts go 5-5.5 hours on average.
  17. JG358

    Smoking elk roast?

    I coat mine with olive oil, apply a rub, hit it with the jaccard then toss it back in the fridge for a couple hours. Toss in a 225* smoker with heavy oak smoke until the IT hits 125-130ish, pull, foil and let it rest for 10-15 No need to brine or inject IMO. No need to foil it. I wouldnt plan...
  18. JG358

    Anyone giving up bacon?

    Thats about the truth. Bought a piece of unfinished oak that had a warning on it saying "this product is known in the state of CA to cause cancer". All the warnings make me think that CA causes cancer.
  19. JG358

    Anyone giving up bacon?

    Give up Bacon and BBQ? Never!!
  20. JG358

    Retaining Heat Once the Stove Goes Out

    Dont see why not as burning a Kifaru SS stove cherry red doesnt do any harm other than cooking you out of your shelter.