WTS Meindl Denali Boots 9.5D (Price Reduced)
Cabela's Online Store - Quality Hunting, Fishing, Camping and Outdoor Gear
They are size 9.5D. Worn one season a couple years ago. Excellent condition. $125.00 TYD in CONUS. Payment by USPS MO
New in pkg. LS, 210, Zip-T, Med., Forest $65.00
New in pkg. 210 Zip-off bottoms, Lrg., Stone $65.00
Worn Once LS, 210, Zip-T, Med., Stone $60.00
Worn Once LS, 145, Zip-T, Med., Vias $50.00.... All prices are TYD in CONUS...Payment by USPS MO only.
Items will be shipped Priority Mail w/...
I'll give you three 30" long shafts cut into eight inch pieces (to fit in a USPS small flat rate box). You pay for the $6.80 shipping fee. If you're interested PM me your address. They are the camo hunter shafts.