I’ve been using a Kodiak truck tent for 4 years and I like it. I’ve thought about a RTT but I use my truck like a truck and need my bed, don’t want a shell plus I have a 5 ft bed so the Kodiak let’s me stretch out. I’ve gotten to where I can get it set up in 10 minutes, I can drive up to about...
Interesting, spring of 2017 there was an enclosure around Guffey that was damaged in a storm, a number of wolves got loose. After that my friend saw a wolf on his 160 acres south of Hartsel and later that summer I cut a solo set of wolf tracks while backpacking up in the Buffalo Peaks wilderness.
I bought The Hood right before he came out on this, it’s a great piece of clothing but it’s wearing thin so I’ll be replacing it with something from a company that shares my values, it’s a shame because I love it and you can’t beat the price.
From looking at your previous posts you'll be hunting one of the rifle seasons so a call is not really necessary BUT I carry a hoochie momma and feel naked without it tied to my belt, I have killed a number of elk after jumping them in the timber and squeezing the hoochie as they are moving out...