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  1. Hunt4lyf

    Truck Camping setups

    I’ve been using a Kodiak truck tent for 4 years and I like it. I’ve thought about a RTT but I use my truck like a truck and need my bed, don’t want a shell plus I have a 5 ft bed so the Kodiak let’s me stretch out. I’ve gotten to where I can get it set up in 10 minutes, I can drive up to about...
  2. Hunt4lyf

    Aspen Area and Gunnison to Montrose Corridor - likely for wolf release

    That’s right, I forgot about that one. St Bernard’s, yeah right 🙄
  3. Hunt4lyf

    Aspen Area and Gunnison to Montrose Corridor - likely for wolf release

    Interesting, spring of 2017 there was an enclosure around Guffey that was damaged in a storm, a number of wolves got loose. After that my friend saw a wolf on his 160 acres south of Hartsel and later that summer I cut a solo set of wolf tracks while backpacking up in the Buffalo Peaks wilderness.
  4. Hunt4lyf

    Co 2023 elk 1st rifle start date

  5. Hunt4lyf

    We are under attack!

    Just happened again on my laptop
  6. Hunt4lyf

    We are under attack!

    I had this pop up a little bit ago on my laptop. This is the only site where I get these pop ups.
  7. Hunt4lyf

    Did you miss an animal this year?

    I missed a WT doe two evenings ago, rangefinder said 200 but she was at 300 so shot just under her.
  8. Hunt4lyf

    Do you carry a seat/stool when you hunt?

    I’ve got one of these also that I use for camping and whitetail hunting and it doesn’t squeak or creak.
  9. Hunt4lyf

    WTS Kuiu Youth gear

    I’ll take them both
  10. Hunt4lyf

    .25 Cal (Quarter Bore) / Big Game Success - 25 Creed, 25-284, 25-06, 25 PRC, 25 SAUM

    Lots of deer, antelope and a couple cows
  11. Hunt4lyf

    WTS Black Kifaru Omni belt - medium

    Just got this off the forum and it won’t work for what I need. $60 TYD
  12. Hunt4lyf

    Swazi.......Yeah I'll Pass....

    I bought The Hood right before he came out on this, it’s a great piece of clothing but it’s wearing thin so I’ll be replacing it with something from a company that shares my values, it’s a shame because I love it and you can’t beat the price.
  13. Hunt4lyf

    Blaze Wool Jacket....any good options?

    Big woods bucks has a green check wool jacket with a blaze cape that snaps on and off but I don’t believe it’s insulated.
  14. Hunt4lyf

    Elk call

    From looking at your previous posts you'll be hunting one of the rifle seasons so a call is not really necessary BUT I carry a hoochie momma and feel naked without it tied to my belt, I have killed a number of elk after jumping them in the timber and squeezing the hoochie as they are moving out...