Have any of you folks replaced your stock clips. I am usually a Wilson Combat fan and plan to replace min 10mm clips. So little emphasis gets placed on an upgraded clip....
I don't really understand what is gained going to a 50mm when your eye can only benefit so much over a 40-44mm. Then you have to use higher rings which will affect your cheek weld w/o a modification on that end.
That sucks Jimmy and it happens sooner or later. On a gut shot, I wait at least two hours even if the going is slow and the longer the better. Try to keep positive because you have an epic hunt coming up.
A Kifaru Ultralight Pullout to hold everything
3 Contractor trash bags (they seem heavy!)
Keep at base camp or truck
1 Kifaru Meat bag to protect my pack (weighs next to nothing)
1/2 roll or 75 ft of light flagging tape for marking
Keep in truck and use toilet paper which dissolves if you...
It's not poprykosh; it is a fact.. The biologists (one's a friend) I know that work directly on wild sheep management tell a different story. They don't care about reclaiming land or expanding their domestic business. If you were to put a domestic with a wild in a living area, the wild will die...
I'm hear to tell you that it made noise. I wore it and it did it. When it is loaded it does not and not everyone puts more than a days hunt worth of accessories in a pack and heads out for a multi-day trip. I was not a big deal but something I noticed. It made a crinkling noise with a very light...