My season starts in 16 days, and I just decided to completely overhaul my system (thanks to an unexpected elk tag someone turned in) so I started with a fresh dozen fmj injexions...
Insert/collar epoxy should be set up tomorrow and I can start bare shafting. I figure by the end of the week I...
I used to float/spine test/index all my arrows stiff side up, but have not done it lately as I dont think it actually matters, gold tip has a super tuning series on youtube and I somewhat follow that line of thinking...
here is my process, if I am going to use wraps, I bareshaft with wraps, but...
I feel the opposite, I didn’t draw an elk tag so I didn’t really have any concrete archery plans, other than antelope. I built a lighter faster arrow setup this year thinking I’d only be hunting antelope and whitetail....
Got an email Monday, I was next in line on the alternate list for an elk...
Lots of people talk about max range, and I think it lends itself to getting just inside one's "maximum range" and leads to a lot of misses. I practice regularly at all kinds of distances, but I started thinking of my hunting as "what is my ideal range."
45 yards is my goal in spot and stalk bow...
Elk is still my favorite, but the front shoulder I had from helping pack out a friends bull was excellent, and the steaks that we had in celebration were so so good.
and a couple other tools associated of course. I like hamskea 3rd axis leveler. I like various other levels and clamps to make sure my bow is perfectly plumb. Arrow squaring device. Bow square, tape measure, lighter, etc.
Not much to add from what these guys have been saying, but a general statement, if you think you are stiff, add draw weight, add point weight and see what happens, if you think you’re weak, decrease draw weight. See what happens.
I’d tend to agree with the sentiment above, 6-8” at 20 yards has...