Everyone has an opinion but AK’s and 16’s were built for a purpose and hunting was not it. I think better options out there personally. Not saying I’m against them in general cause I’ve used em and owned them but just not for hunting for me.
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I personally think introduction to guns is good at young ages. I think even if it’s a toy gun it’s good to have a gun for your kids that he treats as a real gun. Yes my kids have toy guns but having 1 to learn on and treat like a real gun I think is important.
I got my first shooting gun at...
I get the traveling from FL part is gonna suck solo but after that the hunting part in my opinion is better solo. I’m not a backpack hunter per say so midday if I get bored i just find a camp and go BS. Met some really cool guys that way from all over.
Like everyone else saying main thing is to...
Ya that’s what I did also. My plan was November surgery cause I thought I’d be good by the fall but as for mine that doesn’t seem to be what they are saying. Either way I guess rifle hunting a year isn’t the worst thing
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I just had this surgery 2 weeks ago. My therapist is telling me to plan on not shooting for 12 months. I’m planning all rifle next fall to be safe.
I put my surgery off for 10 years and although I’d like to say it got better it only got worse to the point I finally had it fixed. Not sure it was...
Man being in MN look at turkey hunts. Super exciting, easy tags to get and cheap. MO,KS,NE,AR. All have youth hunts and couple of those place youth tags like $14
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Of coarse I’m applying in AZ! What guy who likes elk doesn’t. Ya and money drives the world so I’m sure WY will sell out. Still don’t make sense what they doing.
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Well we all have options and the point is for non res WY just became a crap option unless you have %100 chance of drawing. Hopefully WY will wise up and move app date to a reasonable time away from the draw date.
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Ya I guess to each their own but I’ll not be applying WY until I have points to %100 draw from now on. No way I’ll gamble on that. Most blue collar guys can’t either. Waiting 5 months on results is ridiculous.
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