Agree with most of what you just said, except, when I state "heavy arrows" I'm comparing it to what compound guys are shooting, and in general trad arrows are heavier. Trad bows have to make up impact power (momentum) somehow, right? This is just an observation of shooting with many great trad...
Deville shoots 300-425g broadheads. His arrows weighs anywhere from 650g to 800g.
I shoot with him weekly, and he still blows my mind with the shots he makes. He shoots better than half of the compound guys at our range, and he shoots a longbow!
Coveyleader… experience is quite the opposite.
Traditional bows need heavier arrows in general. Whether most of the weight is up front or not is a personal choice. No one is talking about shot placement, good flight, and cut on contact, those are given in any form of bowhunting.
I have...
you want a broad head that has the greatest ratio of length to width, usually 3 to 1 rule works great for traditional equipment. This allows for least resistance and therefore great penetration.
For example, I shoot 300g up front, 200g grizzly kodiak heads with 100g steel inserts. Extreme FOC...
easy answer, take the longbow. Both will kill elk, but from the sound of it you are/will be more confident with the longbow in hand. Accuracy surpasses all other aspects of the bow.
I shoot two blade single bevel grizzly Kodiaks. Love them! I hate sharpening, so this was a no brainer for me. I can get them razor sharp in no time. I have yet to kill anything with them (recently switch from magnus stingers) but my experience on targets is that it tears them apart much faster...
For rests, Well, many options out there. You can use a plunger type rest or simple ones like the bear weather rest. In the trad world rest are not necessary by any means, but it can help with tuning arrows to your bow. Also, guys who suffer from bad form really like it since arrow contact is...
I regularly will practice out to 60 yards. Furthest shot I have taken at an animal was 50 yards at a jack rabbit. This past season shot a bedded Ca deer in his bed at 6-8 yards and the follow up was at 40yards. Guess if I feel confident in the shot....I'm launching an arrow.
I hold at least 2 sec, average about 5 secs. This method has greatly increased my accuracy. It gives me time to allow the muscle/bones to "settle in" and right before the shot all I think about is form.
How about a Toyota Tacoma. I have the double cab version, like posted above, except mine is the older model. Goes pretty much anywhere, small enough to get in tight places on mountain tops, and its bullet proof. Best truck I have ever owned.