If I was doing that work I would have cut some of my fingers off, smashed others, and stabbed my hand repeatedly with that needle. I can't imagine what they charge.
Typically, but not always, hearing aids will dramatically reduce tinnitus. You can find out real quick with just a demo pair of aids.
As far as wax, you can get Debrox and an ear syringe and do it yourself but it can be more difficult than you think. I’ve done it and I would definitely try...
I have both and the Creedmoor does kick less but the PRC isn't bad at all. For comparison I got rid of a 300WM to get the PRC because of recoil and I am very happy with that decision.
Maybe a more relevant question is how many shells have you actually NEEDED on a hunt? ( I carry one extra mag).
The most I have needed was 5 due to poor shooting.
Plus, they try to scare us into believing that they are essential to keep us safe from (enter perceived enemy here). The aid organizations do the same thing by showing us incredibly sad pictures so we can feel guilty about not donating, then they waste most of the money.
I knew that things were not good with the NRA, that was no secret, but I didn't know how bad. WLP making 2 million? That's fine, but does he need to to charge $200,000+ in clothes to the ad agency so they can bill the NRA so no one will notice? Does he need to have the NRA pay for a private...
A dumb ass might be the guy who has a pre-conceived notion of a book he hasn’t read, but still thinks he’s qualified to explain the motivation behind it.
I got a 13 after having an 8 for years and it wasn’t a huge upgrade but I like it. I started with the regular 13 and it was just too big. Traded it for a mini and now it’s great. I think apple is essential if your in their ecosystem, otherwise I doubt it matters.
There’s going to be a group that claims the book is liberal propaganda, but it’s not. There are insiders expressing their frustration at the gross waste of funds (including Ollie North). There is no anti-gun rhetoric but I guarantee you’ll be pissed, especially if you’ve made a donation after...
I’d never buy used chains on my way to hunt. I have frequently bought used chains but then try them on before I have to rely on them. I can find a lot of used ones on CL.
I've been using the Peltor EEP-100 and they're ok, but not great. When using in the ear hearing protection there are two important elements and they don't overlap much. The most important is the ability to block sound, and that is dependent on the earplug seal in your ear. A standard hearing...
This is a Briley diffusion choke designed to quickly disperse shot for a wider pattern at short ranges. It is for a 12 gauge Ruger Red Label and I'm selling it because I no longer own the gun. $30 TYD. Here is a review that gives a description of its use...
No need to reply. I googled Monica Smith in the Ivory Coast and she’s sending the cash to me. All I have to do is pay $5,000 for transfer fees. Sorry to steal your deal but you can’t delay when opportunity slaps you in the face.
I use my bins a lot and literally 99% of the times I put them up I don’t need a RF. I don’t want to lift that extra weight every time for the 1% of times I need it. I also do a lot of just plain wildlife and bird watching with no need for a RF. That’s aside from the issue of having...
Short answer - none. They all turn into parachutes as soon as you hit the highway. I have The best luck with a canvas tarp that is heavy enough not to blow around at 60 MPH.
EVERY Stihl chainsaw leaks. It's an ingenious system to keep all the lines clear and dispatch old oil at the exact rate in which it deteriorates so that a more effective lubricant can be added.
I agree it sounds ridiculous, but it probably isn't the end of the world. Just for grins it might be a good idea to find out why they're requiring him to be 18, then complain. A lot of things sound stupid (and many are) until we know the reasoning.