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  1. J

    2021 General Archery Buck

    Awesome buck! Congratulations!
  2. J

    Cots, again.

    Never used the pad sleeve model, throw my pad on top and haven’t had slippage issues. My family has been on them for the last 2 months with a home remodel.. needless to say can’t wait for my bed!
  3. J

    Cots, again.

    Second the Roll a cot. Bulletproof, easy set up, not crazy bulky to pack. A staple on the river…
  4. J

    WTT Kuiu coupon code

    It’s gone, cheers
  5. J

    WTT Kuiu coupon code

    I have a 15% off plus free shipping for someone.
  6. J

    First Archery Buck

    Awesome! Congratulations, beautiful buck and great shot!
  7. J

    KUIU discount code

    Ordered, saved some dollars thanks to @NWHunter84! Much appreciated!
  8. J

    KUIU discount code

    @NWHunter84 , sending a PM, thanks!
  9. J

    California archery blacktail success

    Awesome! Great bucks!
  10. J

    Back tension release recommendations?

    Happy with my Stan element! Have a silverback as a backup…
  11. J

    Legal to carry in backcountry?

    Carry it. You are not the droid they are looking for.
  12. J

    It’s finally official!!!!!!

  13. J

    Compound explosion take 2

    Yep, reboot. Get it checked, sell it, buy a new bow and start again.
  14. J

    WTS Vortex Razor Gen 1 16-48x65 Angled

    Sending you a pm, I’ll take the other if y want to split.
  15. J

    WTS Vortex Razor Gen 1 16-48x65 Angled

    and if you split how much for tripod and adaptor plates + Bino mount? 😬
  16. J

    Braggin Board for Fishing!

    Here’s a couple pretty ones from oregon.
  17. J

    Sportsman's Warehouse Vortex Month

    Taking a look, thanks!
  18. J

    Oregon newbie

    Welcome! You’re in a great spot!
  19. J

    I always settle low when aiming

    For me it was a form of target panic. Couldn’t for the life of me move my pin up to the target. Started anticipating and all kinds of garbage. Got a tension release and working through it, learning to float on the target and surprise release.
  20. J

    Jet boil

    Another for MSR. I’m on my second jetboil, use it a lot. Has fuel feeding issues from time to time and is inconsistent depending on fuel level. My next will be MSR