Well it's been a fast and heck of a year! Have a baby coming any day now due date is the 26th so I was really hard pressed even getting out. I threw up 2 baits on 4/15. On one bait I had 2 bears and the other had a large sow and Cubs. I went and re baited yesterday and elected to hunt my first...
a buddy and I are wanting to start planning a elk hunt in Wyoming. We both live in Idaho and hunt elk every year. I used to guide in the bob marshall wilderness in Montana. Our goals for the hunt is to backpack into the back country (may drag the horses and mules over if its recommended) and...
Ok well plenty of time and at only 30 bucks for a pref point still have plenty of time to figure it out thanks for all your help thus far I'm sure I'll have plenty of more questions as the time gets closer
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I have a 4x on my 3D rig in the rain both the lens and the clarifier will fog up and your screwed when that happens... I like it for 3D to see the X but no way for hunting
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Oh okay I gotcha well our plan for now will be buy a pref point this year then hopefully draw next year and be able to buy a doe tag as well....
How will August 15th-22nd be? Guessing will be strictly waterhole or fence opening hunting
How do lopes act to a newly set blind?
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Have a buddy that used to work on a ranch down there we are planning a hunt for 2017 in either unit 20 or 21 unsure of how the property line goes through the unit as of now.... We are wanting to do this archery and will most likely be going the opening week due to my wife being a school teacher...
Idk where y'all hunt that are saying bears aren't out until mid to late May??? this way 4/30 of last year and I usually have multiple bears on my site by 1st of May and that's units 10/12... I grew up near 33 the Bears will be out watch the south facing slopes and don't trust early morning...
Agreed with Parshal. When haltering mine at home I have a small round Corel I get them in to make it easier to catch them.... Once in the back country it's okay to loose one because they will always follow the other two around until you can catch them. If you loose two your screwed lol
I personally have never bought a "pack llama" they sell for like 1500 bucks sometimes more. I wouldn't hesitate to go with the rescue llama route... Things to consider though...
Females can't carry as much as the males but they are much more calm and don't get to excited about anything
I used to guide in Montana and had 30+ mules in our outfit... After that I moved back to Idaho and was stuck with choosing some pack animals of my own.... I spent a ton of research knowing what I knew about mules and horses then looked into the goat and llama side of things... In the end I went...