Thanks for the review. These types of things really help the majority of us that can hardly find a place to look through quality glass, much less compare some side by side or purchase multiple pieces.
For future reference, if you had 8x at 50 yards, you would have to move to 62.5 yards to...
They use bonus point for limited entry permits, but not for the general license draw. The general license draw is just preference, except that they allocate a certain percentage of the licenses to applicants with zero points.
MER 60 yards
Fixed blade broadheads, G5 Montec
2010 Bowtech Destroyer 340
68 lbs, 27.5-inch draw
Black Gold Ascent Verdict sight
Black Eagle X-Impact .350 shafts with 80 gr FOCOS system and 100 gr fixed blade broadheads for 425 gr total.
Deer is intended game, so I'll shoot at one dot of...
Why wouldn't they recover as fast as larger diameter arrows? A .300 spine arrow is .300 spine, regardless of diameter. Given the same fletching size, weight, and FOC, if the larger profile of the larger diameter arrow causes it to recover faster, then the larger diameter arrow would be burning...
Same reason a heavy, long, high BC bullet drops less at very long distances than a light, fast bullet. The light bullet doesn't hold speed and slows down and drops. The heavy bullet retains its speed, even though it's slower at the muzzle.
After years of shooting .204s, I went to X-Impact arrows with the FOCOS system last year. I mostly like them. The FOCOS system seems to spin nice and be fairly durable. My least favorite part is that lighted G nocks are not durable. They bend or break easy, to the point I am not confident...
This is actually more accurate than a chrono, so I'll go against the grain and say you do not need a chronograph. If you've got a place to shoot out to 500 yards, and can record the shooting conditions, you can calculate the speed. I'd rather do it that way than trust a chrono that could be...
I'm guessing there are no actual boots in the same building as where the customer service person sits and answers e mail and phone calls. And the effort required to find the answer for you is more than the customer service employee is willing (or even allowed) to put forth. The actual boot...
Never seen it, but often wish for it. I've e mailed back and forth with their customer service several times and they are pretty responsive. I'll probably mention it to them.
Those look nice.
Tried rope halters maybe 15 years ago, and basically made the switch to exclusively rope halters from flat halters about 15 years and 10 minutes ago. So much easier to leave on the horse underneath the bridle. For maybe 14 years I've riden with the lead rope attached to the...
Same experience here. Figured that out many years ago and thought it was just a quirk of the machine I had. But the same holds true for other machines.
I have a question. What causes a big mess of knotted thread on the bottom side of the fabric when using heavy duty thread? Does it have to do...